New Grower New grower. Need help

Here is what I found just now.

Your tap water's pH is pretty high and has a good bit of Ca+ and Mg. I would definitely lo try to keep my feed pH at around 6.3. Although coco has a problem with lack of Ca & Mg, I would add it very carefully and titrate up as needed only with the plant tells you it needs it.
Nope, it doesn't. The gas needs a way to escape.......I keep mine in a plastic tote that I got from Wal-Mart......I try to keep enough on hand to mix the plant's next round a nutrients, plus a little extra.

Gotcha I have a big tote I could use. So I guess I'm better off just feed her water everytime instead of pre making it??
Gotcha I have a big tote I could use. So I guess I'm better off just feed her water everytime instead of pre making it??

Ya the ph in the water is really high I gotta use my ph down to bring it down. Ima just try my best to get my ph in my coco right . I guess everytime I water her I'll just leave what I'm giving her out for 24 hour like ya said. The calimagic I got came in today
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Nope, it doesn't. The gas needs a way to escape.......I keep mine in a plastic tote that I got from Wal-Mart......I try to keep enough on hand to mix the plant's next round a nutrients, plus a little extra.

Just a question for ya, if I were to keep it in a gallon jug with the lid off constantly would that still work as letting all the chlorine outgas?? Or does it have to sit only for 24 hrs only. What if it sits for more then 24 hrs?
I've been straggling on starting my first marijuana plant I have no idea that planting would be this complicated, a lot of things to consider. I'm trying to grow this I decided to grow my own just for personal use and it's been very effective in treating my chronic back pain, Any help or personal testimonials is much appreciated. Thanks

Do you have a set up goin already ? Get her cooking, it def can be complicated but nothing we cant handle :smoking:
@Redeyez1992s What is coco loco? is it pure coco? You have a few problems if this is pure coco. One by this point you should be watering with nutes every day. You should also have runoff every water in a 3 gallon pot at this point I am watering at least 2x a day one (probably a liter at a time) in am and once in pm. Always have run off. you do not need a lot, but you should have excess every time. This will serve you a couple of ways one your medium does not dry out and two it will get the excess salts and prevent build up.(this usually is not a huge problem as most autos will finish before you have this issue).

Okay out of curiosity I looked up this product and I am confused on what it is trying to do. It has guano kelp meal forest product(if you did not know that is code for tree bark sometimes aged sometimes not). My problem with this product is it is sort of half of one half of another. If you want all those ingredients and want it to act like soil go find a living soil recipe and use spangum peat most as your base. Coco is a wonderful medium when used like a sponge that stores food for your plants. You just keep refilling the sponge. It also seems like double work your paying for amendments to be added to an inert medium and then treat it like soil but add more nutrient. I mean it can work but seems a little complicated. I am not trying to come off as harsh here. Many people can attest I have done some silly shit on grows. I think if you used just straight coco you would have better results and it would be simple.

So my advise for pure coco is below I am hesitant to say hey do this with your mix because I think this is just a weird soil mix. I mean I would be going for a 6.5 ph with this and treating it like soil.Worse comes to worse top dress with some worm castings as well. Again I am not saying this is a bad product it is just not a pure coco mix. Also I wrote this whole damn post before my high ass went and looked up coco loco at first I thought this was just a coco perlite blend. I was not going to delete this post after I typed all this. So below is for a pure Coco mix.

Always add calmag in pure coco.....always. I did it by ppm because that made the most sense for me. Basically after day ten 10-15% of my ppm would come from calmag. When watering constantly you do not have to have high ppm. On a heavy feeder I would end up at 800ppm for my mix at max. There is a cation exchange issue with coco it is not going to hold cal mag and then let it go so it is a must. The only way I have ever gotten away from it is using Megacrop (it has calmag built in).

As far as water if this is pure coco it does no good to give plain water. Coco has zero nutritional value, in coco you have to add nutrients anytime your plant needs them so if you dont add nutes everytime it will not work. It is the equivalent of a body builder working out everyday and eating cardboard. Your plants need to eat.

I always had the best luck around 5.8 PH. Just know your nutrient well. When I would mix I mixed three days worth of nutes at a time and found my nutrient drifted up .2 over that period of time. So I would mix and PH up to 5.6 and would end at 5.8 by the third watering. a little drift in PH will not kill you just dont go over six or your going to have a mess.

You also really do not have to use bagged coco you can get a coir brick cut it with 30% perlite and your good to go. I always but what ever is cheapest and rinse the shit out of it when I rehydrate it and never have had any salt or buffering issues.

The 1 liter a watering will depend on how big your plant is. I had a Nirvana Blue Berry Kush that was eating a gallon plus a day at the end.

Now the best part about coco is that when you do drain to waste your medium is basically starting over everyday. You can take a plant from near death to healthy as a horse in a day or two.

I hope all this rambling has helped you some if you have any other questions let me know. I am more than happy to help. Sorry for the longest post ever i am lit out of my mind and went on some ridiculously long ramble by the looks of it.

@Redeyez1992s What is coco loco? is it pure coco? You have a few problems if this is pure coco. One by this point you should be watering with nutes every day. You should also have runoff every water in a 3 gallon pot at this point I am watering at least 2x a day one (probably a liter at a time) in am and once in pm. Always have run off. you do not need a lot, but you should have excess every time. This will serve you a couple of ways one your medium does not dry out and two it will get the excess salts and prevent build up.(this usually is not a huge problem as most autos will finish before you have this issue).

Okay out of curiosity I looked up this product and I am confused on what it is trying to do. It has guano kelp meal forest product(if you did not know that is code for tree bark sometimes aged sometimes not). My problem with this product is it is sort of half of one half of another. If you want all those ingredients and want it to act like soil go find a living soil recipe and use spangum peat most as your base. Coco is a wonderful medium when used like a sponge that stores food for your plants. You just keep refilling the sponge. It also seems like double work your paying for amendments to be added to an inert medium and then treat it like soil but add more nutrient. I mean it can work but seems a little complicated. I am not trying to come off as harsh here. Many people can attest I have done some silly shit on grows. I think if you used just straight coco you would have better results and it would be simple.

So my advise for pure coco is below I am hesitant to say hey do this with your mix because I think this is just a weird soil mix. I mean I would be going for a 6.5 ph with this and treating it like soil.Worse comes to worse top dress with some worm castings as well. Again I am not saying this is a bad product it is just not a pure coco mix. Also I wrote this whole damn post before my high ass went and looked up coco loco at first I thought this was just a coco perlite blend. I was not going to delete this post after I typed all this. So below is for a pure Coco mix.

Always add calmag in pure coco.....always. I did it by ppm because that made the most sense for me. Basically after day ten 10-15% of my ppm would come from calmag. When watering constantly you do not have to have high ppm. On a heavy feeder I would end up at 800ppm for my mix at max. There is a cation exchange issue with coco it is not going to hold cal mag and then let it go so it is a must. The only way I have ever gotten away from it is using Megacrop (it has calmag built in).

As far as water if this is pure coco it does no good to give plain water. Coco has zero nutritional value, in coco you have to add nutrients anytime your plant needs them so if you dont add nutes everytime it will not work. It is the equivalent of a body builder working out everyday and eating cardboard. Your plants need to eat.

I always had the best luck around 5.8 PH. Just know your nutrient well. When I would mix I mixed three days worth of nutes at a time and found my nutrient drifted up .2 over that period of time. So I would mix and PH up to 5.6 and would end at 5.8 by the third watering. a little drift in PH will not kill you just dont go over six or your going to have a mess.

You also really do not have to use bagged coco you can get a coir brick cut it with 30% perlite and your good to go. I always but what ever is cheapest and rinse the shit out of it when I rehydrate it and never have had any salt or buffering issues.

The 1 liter a watering will depend on how big your plant is. I had a Nirvana Blue Berry Kush that was eating a gallon plus a day at the end.

Now the best part about coco is that when you do drain to waste your medium is basically starting over everyday. You can take a plant from near death to healthy as a horse in a day or two.

I hope all this rambling has helped you some if you have any other questions let me know. I am more than happy to help. Sorry for the longest post ever i am lit out of my mind and went on some ridiculously long ramble by the looks of it.


Sheesh that was a long ass reply I appreciate the tips tho to answer your questions I've got alot of feed back saying I should be in the 6.3-6.5 range for my feedings. I've seen alot of people mix this Bush doctor fox farm coco loco with another soil. Since this is considered a soilless medium. So I guess all I can do as of right now is redo all of liquids???
It doesn't have to be complicated at all guys. Get some AN pH perfect base nutes and a decent soil and never measure pH again.. I don't and never have. Maybe I would get better results if I did but atm I'm more than happy with the buds I grow never measuring ph. It's only as complicated as you make it peeps.. so dont :smoking:
It doesn't have to be complicated at all guys. Get some AN pH perfect base nutes and a decent soil and never measure pH again.. I don't and never have. Maybe I would get better results if I did but atm I'm more than happy with the buds I grow never measuring ph. It's only as complicated as you make it peeps.. so dont :smoking:

I wish I could say the same thing lol I mean I can I'm really just gonna let this girl finish out. Probably to late to already fix what's wrong, so probably just gonna let her ride until shes done then focus on the next grow. Ima have to find a good soil for next time , I'll just stay with the fox farm trio nutes. Ima water her tommorow shes goin to need it , may give her more then I already do n try to get atleast 20% run off so I can test the ph