hey guys 1 thing i can really tell now is that different strains will react in a complete different way to problems
you see I had a ph level that was too high.
im growing 3 fastbuds and 2 mass skunks
theyre all growing in the same medium, with the same lightning, under the same size pots,
well the fastbuds didnt produce any yellow leaves and i had time to correct the issue and they are doing perfectly fine, theyre in great health
the mass skunks however turned yellow really quick and the bottom leaves are now completely yellow.
the plants are all safe and sound now that the issue is corrected and i will be way more careful in the future about the ph level (i had received my phmeter just in time to diagnose the issue, so wasnt completely my fault, i would have checked that earlier if i had a chance...)
also, the seedbanks predictions seem to be quite accurate.
all 3 fastbuds have the same size (around 50 cm) and seem to have stopped growing in height, and are now growing in width. (which is why i choose them in the first place)
the mass skunks are still growing in height and are now much taller than the fastbuds (just as predicted)
Also guys, i don't see any of my plants producing the buds.
I mean its getting really stinky and it really smells like weed, but i dont see none.
is it normal (its been about 4.5 weeks from seeds)
cheers guys