New Grower New Grower (3rd cycle) - 4x DP Daiquiri Lime

Thinned them out, BLair got a heavy defoliation. FLorence got a very light defoliation. I thought BRitney was going to get a heavy defoliation but once I pulled her open a little the leaves looked well arranged, so I just did a little bit of light defoliation, FRancine like FLorence got very little. Interesting how these 2 phenos went a different direction than the back 2. Tried to even out the canopies a bit. It was a little more challenging on the front 2 (taller phenos). It looks like the taller phenos are further along in flower, the back phenos look mich more squat and bushy I am curious to see what they look like after they finish stretch, as they look about a week behind.

When handling the pots they felt light. I am going to water them in the morning, looks like they can take between 4 and 6L per day now. I will hit them with MagSu, AgSil, freeze dried coconut, and Earth Juice Bloom (as needed to pH the solution) in a few hours. Temps are much more stable. Humidity trays dried up but its holding at a comfortable level so I may not refill them unless we experience a dry spell.


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They're filling out that space very nicely.

I like your naming system.
Won't work for me, because I'm always moving my plants around. :p

Lol, yea it works this time, not sure I can come up with another set of names like this. They are also marked with clothes pins, 1-4. Felt it might be easier for people to give notes or feedback on specific plants.
Wow they are thirsty girls! Think I've definitely been underwatering/feeding in the past.
How old are they now?
Mine are mid week 4 & I'm already feeding more than I was feeding my last run at peak flower.
Looking good!
Wow they are thirsty girls! Think I've definitely been underwatering/feeding in the past.
How old are they now?
Mine are mid week 4 & I'm already feeding more than I was feeding my last run at peak flower.
Looking good!

Coming up on 6 weeks. I put off watering yesterday morning, and instead watered in the evening at lights on. They got the 6L and when I looked at them this morning it looks like they could handle a little more. I will probably plan on giving them 6L a day at this point, continuing to use that EJ Bloom as an acidifier. I started giving the EJ Grow to my 3L experiment this morning, so we'll see how things shape up. Ive grown this strain before, paying far less attention, and I vaguely recall and definitely remember reading that some phenos need 13 weeks, cant imagine what things are going to look like in 7 weeks... I like you can definitely tell a difference between this grow and my last.
Not sure what Im seeing here. Doesnt look great... Pots feel a good weight, if I had to say light or heavy, Id say a touch light. Not sure if I should hit them with some N, they look a little pale to me. What so you guys think? Water has been pHed the past several waterings, so I dont suspect pH to be an issue.

Hit them with 6L of water/feed. Gave them some N in the form of fish hydrolysate (10mL), 3.75mL 7.6% AgSil solution, and Earth Juice Bloom (10mL) - this pHed a little acidic, down at 5.8, but seems within the tolerable range. They are looking better. BLair is by far the furthest behind in flower, then BRitney, then FRancine, then FLorence.





Fantastico! Gonna be hitting that big bulk up phase real soon!

Hard to say in the light of the photos, but the N looks okay to me.
After they've done their stretch, and it looks like they've finished or nearly finished it,
they don't need so much N, it will make them leafier.
Looks like time to move to the high PK ferts.
Though do keep the Ca Mg levels high enough (esp. if your Ca Mg is with your N nutes).