Very nice indeed Tang those are some great looking sativas topped with some good looking buds.
Liking the use of the speaker stand for the fan.
I have a quick question you may know the answer to - about a month ago i got an email from Dutch passion letting me know about Desfran, stating the genetics are Mexican Oaxaca, Colombian Punto Rojo and Meao Thai .Then just the other day I get another email from them telling me they were correcting the gentic make up of Desfran becaus e they made a mistake, the only thing is the genetic were exactly the same, Mexican Oaxaca, Colombian Punto Rojo and Meao Thai .
This leves me a little confused, I guess I could email them back but seeing as I'm here looking at yours, thought I might see if you know?
Looking forward to final weight and smoke report, once again Tang another great grow "Bailers Booya"