New Grower New Auto Grow: Sour Blues, Mexican Airlines, Northern Lights and Sensible Seeds OG Kush

Here is my Sour Blues by Mephisto day 28....loving this plant!
Very inexpensive DIY or just got another one yesterday......:woohoo:
Tell me more....How expensive is your set-up? How much would a good one cost that compares to a 400 watt MH/HPS in light output? Does your setup cover the light spectrum better? What are the energy savings? I have lots of questions concerning about heat output?
I started as noob grower (not smoker) like a lot of folks here. I bought a 240w Lighthouse Hydro led light and surrounded it with cfl's.
Need more light. I then bought a 300w Mars Hydro had to have the new 5w diodes. Still supplemented with cfl's. Need more light.
My light addiction was growing and without big $ to invest, more research and advice namely mostly from @BigSm0 I decided against a
$150 1200w cob on Ebay (Chinese lights have come way down lately). Without wanting to really DIY though I am capable I went with
the AutoCob running a citizen 1812 white light cob which is like running a 150 hps (experts claim). Before I received the first one I bought
another just because of AFN'ers comments and I knew one is good so two must be better. My light addiction called again so I added a third
AutoCob in my humble 3 x 4 mylar coated climate controlled lounge for the ladies and I know I will need at least one more to keep me clam.
In the winter I add cfl's to my room just for the heat. The white light cobs produce damm near nothing. Energy savings? HUGE over hps.
Right now I got $300 in cobs and I was a savvy eBay user to snag these. My addiction for the "white light cob" grows.:zen:
Send @BigSm0 a pm and talk to him. His knowledge is deep and he doesn't sell used cars.
I started as noob grower (not smoker) like a lot of folks here. I bought a 240w Lighthouse Hydro led light and surrounded it with cfl's.
Need more light. I then bought a 300w Mars Hydro had to have the new 5w diodes. Still supplemented with cfl's. Need more light.
My light addiction was growing and without big $ to invest, more research and advice namely mostly from @BigSm0 I decided against a
$150 1200w cob on Ebay (Chinese lights have come way down lately). Without wanting to really DIY though I am capable I went with
the AutoCob running a citizen 1812 white light cob which is like running a 150 hps (experts claim). Before I received the first one I bought
another just because of AFN'ers comments and I knew one is good so two must be better. My light addiction called again so I added a third
AutoCob in my humble 3 x 4 mylar coated climate controlled lounge for the ladies and I know I will need at least one more to keep me clam.
In the winter I add cfl's to my room just for the heat. The white light cobs produce damm near nothing. Energy savings? HUGE over hps.
Right now I got $300 in cobs and I was a savvy eBay user to snag these. My addiction for the "white light cob" grows.:zen:
Send @BigSm0 a pm and talk to him. His knowledge is deep and he doesn't sell used cars.
Very familiar story to mine. That's why I'm here helping folks out and selling these cobs. You are correct, the single autocob is very similar to 150watts of hps. Add as many as you need or can afford to hit the target. Ability to adjust them all individually and add or remove them as the plants grow. A 150watts hps replacement that draws .49 amps isn't much short of revolutionary. People are amazed, grows progressing and the plants are receiving the most amount of light while hardly causing the electric meter to spin. Hps is fairly inexpensive but the most expensive to run. Grams per watt is low in comparison too.