Outdoor New Alaskan Autos Mk.II

I grew Jack Herer photos from Emery Seeds about fourteen years ago. Been hunting it ever since. Princess 99 photo is another solid incarnation of Jack. Old Sativa Seedbank(Now merged with Nirvana) put together Jock Horror photo that was my go-to strain for the past six years or so. I've done a lot of photo breeding so playing with autos, once I realized what they were capable of, became a focus of mine. I will choose a male from the MsA x JaHe's & MsA x RoJa's to cross back to Jock Horror next year. Then mix the resulting offspring back to JaHe or RoJa. I have a vision for autos with good traits capable of becoming a land race here in Alaska without human assistance. I don't suppose you know anything about Danish autos?

Have no idea about Danish autos. Except I imagine that they'd have to finish off pretty fast to survive outdoors there!
But your breeding plan sounds very good.
I'd keep the JaHe and RoJa lines separate at first.
They may both be JH based, but could be fairly distinct.
Maybe run two lines to stabilize, then create a F1 between them.
Then the distinct Herer qualities should come out. Without getting recessive.
Just a thought.........
High of 71f, low of 32f!!! D: Only had time to glance at the digital readout before leaving the house this morning. There was a little frost on the vehicles and metal objects in the shade. Didn't have time to go out and actually look in the shack. This is a moment of truth right here, the wireless sensor in the shack is laying on the floor, fingers crossed that elevation and organic activity gave me a couple degrees of buffer or I might come home from work to dead seedlings.
Have no idea about Danish autos. Except I imagine that they'd have to finish off pretty fast to survive outdoors there!
But your breeding plan sounds very good.
I'd keep the JaHe and RoJa lines separate at first.
They may both be JH based, but could be fairly distinct.
Maybe run two lines to stabilize, then create a F1 between them.
Then the distinct Herer qualities should come out. Without getting recessive.
Just a thought.........

That's not a bad idea. Breed back to JaHe & RoJa directly before out-crossing to JoHo, or crossing between lines. The traits carried by these lines are yet to be determined. The JoHo last year was pretty good.
Greetings from Denmark :toke:

We do have some nice danish breed auto's here, but an auto is an auto, dosen't matter if it's breed in Spain or Denmark

9 weeks from seed to harvest :crying:

A few years back I read about a Danish auto/semi-auto that had been grown there for many years, and was more apt to perform in cold climates. I've looked around on the internet but haven't been able to locate the website I found before.

/edit The wife peeked in on the babies. She says they look fine.
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A few years back I read about a Danish auto/semi-auto that had been grown there for many years, and was more apt to perform in cold climates. I've looked around on the internet but haven't been able to locate the website I found before.

take a look at this :


Leb27 is an “old danish” hashplant brought home from Lebanon (probably from the Bekaa valley) by danish travellers. It was grow a lot in the late 70′ and had a renaissance in the beginng of the 00′. Then it kind of disappeared in its pure form, but was used in many crosses due to its resistance to mold and pests. A few years ago i thought it was a petty that it was gone from the nordic fields, so i started a bit of detective work to find the seeds again, and with help from some old danish potheads and Esben (HFH) i found enough seeds to start this strain up again. Leb27 is very dominant in crosses and will bring the earlyness and resistance to your new cross. It makes a good dry-sift hashish, but also good oil. Leb is one pretty plant in your garden with the color change in the autumn. You will experience colors from light purple to a deep red pheno.

Best outdoor
Indica/sativa hybrid, with a mostly indica effect
Very mold resistant
Very good for outdoor breeding projects
Good potency
finishes late september (54*N Lat)
take a look at this :


Leb27 is an “old danish” hashplant brought home from Lebanon (probably from the Bekaa valley) by danish travellers. It was grow a lot in the late 70′ and had a renaissance in the beginng of the 00′. Then it kind of disappeared in its pure form, but was used in many crosses due to its resistance to mold and pests. A few years ago i thought it was a petty that it was gone from the nordic fields, so i started a bit of detective work to find the seeds again, and with help from some old danish potheads and Esben (HFH) i found enough seeds to start this strain up again. Leb27 is very dominant in crosses and will bring the earlyness and resistance to your new cross. It makes a good dry-sift hashish, but also good oil. Leb is one pretty plant in your garden with the color change in the autumn. You will experience colors from light purple to a deep red pheno.

Best outdoor
Indica/sativa hybrid, with a mostly indica effect
Very mold resistant
Very good for outdoor breeding projects
Good potency
finishes late september (54*N Lat)

That could very well be it, the pictures as I recall were a field of plants ranging from dark green, to red, to purple. The description was of an old Danisch strain hardy to the cold. I had hopes of crossing it with autos for a few years.

I'm at 60N, we have the legendary Alaskan summer light. By early July there isn't really a night time, though not as much light as Trailanimal's midnight sun. The growing season here is only 90 to 100 days, give or take a week. This summer already feels like it's going to be a hard 90 days, none extra.
That could very well be it, the pictures as I recall were a field of plants ranging from dark green, to red, to purple. The description was of an old Danisch strain hardy to the cold. I had hopes of crossing it with autos for a few years.

I'm at 60N, we have the legendary Alaskan summer light. By early July there isn't really a night time, though not as much light as Trailanimal's midnight sun. The growing season here is only 90 to 100 days, give or take a week. This summer already feels like it's going to be a hard 90 days, none extra.

I have a m8 in sweden, who have grown not leb27, but a cross of her to reasonable harvest at 60N, so it is possible

DP Passion#1 also good a candidate, or some of the new f1 fast versions :pass:
Day 2:

The Moonstone Amnesias:






The Blueberry Headbands:


The Jack Herers:


The Royal Jacks:


This morning was a panic moment. Not interested in burning through these beans if I don't have to. That was a bad assumption on my part. I even started the grow a week later to avoid last years' issues. Going to have to get creative with night time cover. Might have to fall back on the moisture domes again. D:
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Set up the fans again, had to open the ventilation flaps. Today got crazy hot in there, waiting for morning for a temp readout. This weather is some bi-polar nonsense. Replaced the moisture domes for night time. Seriously considering using the 33 gallon tote as a water/thermal reservoir again. Honestly did not think it would be a problem this year. On the bright side my eldest apple tree is blooming for the first time this year. Saskatoon berries are blooming for the second year in a row, so at least some of my plants like this crap.

Side note: My Pops put a crazy idea in my head. A gorilla grow deep in the forest. It's not too late in the season. We talked about using the remaining Flash genetics and some of the surplus Moonstone and Moonstone Amnesia hybrids I generated last year. Open pollination. I did end up using pollen from that herm after I cut him/her/it, at my Pops' request. My Pops is the devil on my shoulder sometimes. He really enjoys the dude I grew up to be.

As an aside, this is a Moonstone x Stardust hybrid my buddy is growing:

Started indoors about a month ago and moved to a slightly heated greenhouse. Daughter of the only semi-auto Stardust that came out of that batch and the Moonstone herm.
This is his Moonstone x Blackstone:

I had enough beans to spread some of that old Stoner-love around. My buddy is an experienced photo grower and he was super interested when I told him about ganja that can handle the outdoors here. We don't bump into eachother very often as living in Alaska can often mean living way in the hell out in the middle of nowhere. He sent me these pictures tonight.
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