Well i went to the hardware store today, Sunday and just bought some Miracle grow "all pirpose" it was cheap of course 3.75 lbs for under $14.00.
It is 24-8-16 about what I was looking for. The only additive I will use is some Cal/mag. After St. Paddys day is over I will be building the second nursery tank the very same way. I can then compare directly one fertilizer against the other. That will be fun. Maybe some company will just send me some free nuits and I can judge them against old Plain Jane Miracle Grow in the exact same conditions. I asked my wife to paint me a Maturnity Ward sign for my newhatchlings. I would love it. The strangest shit makes me happy.
I get it at the local hydro store. It is also a common supplement and you can get it in pill form at the drug store just in case you don't have a hydro store nearby. It just takes a lot more shaking to disolve it in pill form.
Somehow Wiz I think we are related. We do the same shit. My daughter in law hates me. We never had a fight or anything. She just can't stand me or the rest of my sons family for that matter. I only get to see my grandchildren occaisionly when they sneak away with my son to come and visit me. It is nice to see them but they are truly hellions by any standard. When they leave it takes me two days to recover my sanity. I am so proud of my son and can't imagine how he stands it all.
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