Indoor Nelson's SOG, CFL, Bubbly tank grow.

Sounds great, I love stoney smoke. Haven't grown any Sharkbite yet myself but BH is a favorite. Sounds like a real interesting mix.

I don't know, 162 replies and 1,928 views. Seems to me that a lot of people are interested.

ROADTEST: SHARKBITE X BLUE HYMALAYA... Just hauled up my firewood from the woodshed for the cold night we are expecting here in Southern Quebec tonight. I thought my wife and I have earned a little noon hour reward. The last type out of the bubbly tank was this Sharkbite X Blue Hymalaya stuff. We rolled up a joint and lit her up.

Wicked nice taste very similar to some of the other Blueberry crosses I have smoked. Fast hitting stuff you can feel the effect on the first inhale. The exhale gives a very fruity after taste also very similar to the blueberry. No rough edges at all like it had received a long mason jar cure but it was a fast paper bag sure on the reck above my woodstove. It has both a lot of head and a lot of body relaxation. This kind always sends me to the can and brings on mother natures call. You would have to say this wauld have medical value because of the relaxation and total freedom from any anxiety. The big drawback is that is way too stoney. It is like an 8 on the stoney scale. A little more than Mi5, Dragon's and Cobra and alittle less than Trainwreck, Ak47 and LA confidential. But they are on the high side of stoney pots. It feels very much live a sativa/indica cross. Way too stoney to work with power equipment. I will put off the mechanical work I was going to do and repot my Afghan Kushryders out of the pool and into coco filled pots for for Femmed Seed production.

It doesn't have much in the bag appeal area. Just green pot with out much colour and ambre hairs. It smells nice in the bag at least fresh. It is in a jar now and in my private keep collection. Marked evening smoke.
I just harvested some Durrty Dragon out of the pool and got her rinsed yesterday. I will come back after it is dried and give it a smoke report. I gotta harvest seeds for the next couple days and get the number 1 nursery tote going. What would you try for starter nuits Muddy?

Sounds great, I love stoney smoke. Haven't grown any Sharkbite yet myself but BH is a favorite. Sounds like a real interesting mix.

I don't know, 162 replies and 1,928 views. Seems to me that a lot of people are interested.
I'm probably not the best person to ask as I've not done any hydro yet. TBM could probably give you better advice.
Oh well, I'll wing it for a while unless it really sucks TBM can weigh in if he is ever in the neighbourhood.

Did the bubbly test thing in the tote with the bubbly sticks and angle iron hold downs. I like the results so down we go with nursery number one into the Maternity Ward. The valve for emptying isn't leaking either Yeah. I few picutes of it bubbling away in the tote.

I'm probably not the best person to ask as I've not done any hydro yet. TBM could probably give you better advice.


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I think that stuff is 4-20-20 or close. I want something with more Nitrogen for the start up of the babies. It might be a good thing to try for the main tank. Where can it be bought at do you know?
Are you talking about the Sea-Grow? You would have to contact them through email and make an order
It will cost around $50 for 1.5lb veg, 1.5lb bloom and shipping
But apparently it will last a while. Only need a tablespoon per gallon I believe, it's water soluble as well, some members stated that it works great for hydro
I'm such a cheapskate when it cmes to nuits and I guess everything else. So far i have never had much luck with overpriced nuits being way better. I am trying to hold an open mind about them. I will have more than 1 nursery tank soon maybe the last week in March and I can then compare one set of nuits directly with another. Until then I will just use some cheaper stuff like Mor bloom. Feel free to give me your advice. I do hate to order mail order and pay shipping.
Yea the site that I gave you, nuits are pretty cheap comes to about $8 but the shipping is a killer
How is Mor bloom working for you? Where did you purchase it from?
I get it at the local hardware store it comes in several different formulas. I use the ultra bloom which is 15-30-15 in the main tank. What I am looking for is something with a more balanced formula to use in the starting tank. More nitrogen mainly. I am going to the hardware store tomorrow to look. They are just getting their garden stuff in.