Indoor Nelson's SOG, CFL, Bubbly tank grow.

I know I'm probably beating a dead horse by saying this but I can't help it....
love the set up Nelson, I got alot of the ideas for my room from yours, pretty much the same except I use buckets instead of a tank, that'll be the next step. awesome:thumbs: where did you get your 45 watters from and have you ever tried working some other light colours into the 24 bulbs?
Sorry I haven't been by much, Nelson. That's some very nice work there, bro. :thumbs:
I can definately take a lot of compliments before I feel dead horse beaten. thanks for the support.

I know I'm probably beating a dead horse by saying this but I can't help it....
Hey thanks Joe for the kind words always appreciated.

Sorry I haven't been by much, Nelson. That's some very nice work there, bro. :thumbs:
I have added an LED (150 watter) to one end of the tank I like it and I have decided to add 2 more of the same kind. One in the far end and one in the middle. I think the red it adds will help my color balance.

QUOTE=Bushdocter;128172]love the set up Nelson, I got alot of the ideas for my room from yours, pretty much the same except I use buckets instead of a tank, that'll be the next step. awesome:thumbs: where did you get your 45 watters from and have you ever tried working some other light colours into the 24 bulbs?[/QUOTE]
ROADTEST: SHARKBITE X BLUE HYMALAYA... Just hauled up my firewood from the woodshed for the cold night we are expecting here in Southern Quebec tonight. I thought my wife and I have earned a little noon hour reward. The last type out of the bubbly tank was this Sharkbite X Blue Hymalaya stuff. We rolled up a joint and lit her up.

Wicked nice taste very similar to some of the other Blueberry crosses I have smoked. Fast hitting stuff you can feel the effect on the first inhale. The exhale gives a very fruity after taste also very similar to the blueberry. No rough edges at all like it had received a long mason jar cure but it was a fast paper bag sure on the reck above my woodstove. It has both a lot of head and a lot of body relaxation. This kind always sends me to the can and brings on mother natures call. You would have to say this wauld have medical value because of the relaxation and total freedom from any anxiety. The big drawback is that is way too stoney. It is like an 8 on the stoney scale. A little more than Mi5, Dragon's and Cobra and alittle less than Trainwreck, Ak47 and LA confidential. But they are on the high side of stoney pots. It feels very much live a sativa/indica cross. Way too stoney to work with power equipment. I will put off the mechanical work I was going to do and repot my Afghan Kushryders out of the pool and into coco filled pots for for Femmed Seed production.

It doesn't have much in the bag appeal area. Just green pot with out much colour and ambre hairs. It smells nice in the bag at least fresh. It is in a jar now and in my private keep collection. Marked evening smoke.
Yesterday I put up the roadtest of a new type in the tank that I harvested at the end of last weekend. No one visited, commented or seemed to care much. I am just going to harvest from now on without the pictures and the roadtests even on the new types that are coming out soon. Not enough interest to bother with doing the smoke reports. Not anyone's fault. It is a bother for my wife to take the photographs and I can spend my time on other threads with more interest.
Wow Nelson you got like everything on the go. Sick setup man props to that. Cant wait to watch your future grows.


:peace: BeaverG
Thanks for the nice4 words Beav and good luck with yours as well. Well the first of the new baby tanks go in today in a seperate room. It is the room I used to use for clones. I finally just bought these bubbly sticks from Walmarts to oxygenate the water. They come with absolutely useless suction cups. I took the suction cups off and threw them away. I have cut 4 pieces of 3" long 1 1/4" angle iron to hold the bubbling sticks in place. They seen to do a good job and the sticks bubble great. I am going to call the new room they are going into the maternity room. If this works out fine with the first batch I will be adding 2 other nursery tanks for a total of 36 holes for babies.

I will have to get a nuits routine for them that will give me the maximum groth in the first 4 or 5 weeks until sex shows. Yes I am listening to any advice given on this front. If I don't get any I will just start off with some 20-20-20 and add some extra Cal/mag. I maybe will buy some nitrogen only and screw around with that.

Wow Nelson you got like everything on the go. Sick setup man props to that. Cant wait to watch your future grows.


:peace: BeaverG