My boy broke my tablet again this time in the paddling pool so nicked her phone buying my own device next week. It’s in a bag of rice but I think it’s proper fooked, the joy of kids but important thing the solo is fine budding up nice.
She’s starting to smell like gelato now but still think she’s got a while to go at least another 2 weeks, the main cola is quite big but other side branches are still bit fluffy and can tell she’s struggling in the limited space for roots in a solo cup.
Right had a issue couple of days ago with a spot of the dreaded bud rot, caught it really early and nipped it of. She fell over when I was taking some pictures Got damaged and I think that how it started.
Here she is today doing ok now but a small nugg lighter after her operation.
Really faded now some purples coming out still some white hairs so she’s going to 82 days she’s just on boost and cannazym now and will give her plant magic flush on Sunday.
Nearly there has been a journey it’s like looking after an over needy child with these solos,hats of to @St. Tom dont know how you always do these drying out was the biggest problem think some kind of drip system would be the way forward.
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