Grow Mediums Need4Weed's 1st Auto-Pots Grow with 2X CDLC, Sour Crack & Psychofruit

BTW Pops22 is an autopot wizard, do you ever chat with him? He has some great info that really challenges a lot of things that I enjoy reading.
I know @pop22 is an excellent grower and is very knowledgeable concerning are favorite plant. Hell! He's forgotten more about cannabis than I'll ever know and it would be an honor to have his input! :hump: :pass:
....maybe I should get some airdomes for my next grow. Almost every autopot user has them.
Do it! I plan on getting them for my first autopot grow. Everyone that I've talked to that have them, recommends them.
Didn't know they had improved the valve! The other point where they can clog is any fitting in the lines from the tank to the pots. When I run them again, I'm going to run 4 separate lines from the res to the pots. Truth be told, I only occassionally had a clog and rarely at the valve, it was almost always at a fitting, such as a T to split of to two pots, etc. A quick shot with a 30ml syringe to flush the line always worked.

And Hansbrick was the real master of auto pots! We all miss him!
Yay! More autopot users with MegaCrop. :pop:

@Need4Weed , you should also get some hydroguard or similar just in case.
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I use SLF-100 (was available locally for me) to keep my lines clean and have yet to run into a clogging issue. I don't use air domes, but am considering it after looking at the root mass on my first grow. Literally 2 inches of roots at the bottom. (60/40 coco/perlite only)

And yeah, Hansbrick was the name I kept seeing pop up when I was doing my initial research. Legend!
Didn't know they had improved the valve! The other point where they can clog is any fitting in the lines from the tank to the pots. When I run them again, I'm going to run 4 separate lines from the res to the pots. Truth be told, I only occassionally had a clog and rarely at the valve, it was almost always at a fitting, such as a T to split of to two pots, etc. A quick shot with a 30ml syringe to flush the line always worked.

And Hansbrick was the real master of auto pots! We all miss him!

I'm definitely going to upgrade mine, but in pairs as I have to watch spending right now. I guess the lines are bigger too, so you either need to open the hole at the res, or just get the bigger lines to fit best you can. Many opt for the later. Here is the new valve:

I also flush with a 30ml syringe, but I find I get a lot of clogs (I use Remo nutrients so really I shouldn't get clogs so much) so it can be a pain. I really like the increased flow too of the new valves, I find that I have to monkey with things after clearing clogs to make sure things fill. I really like your idea of four lines, would eliminate a lot of issues, thanks for the idea!
Didn't know they had improved the valve! The other point where they can clog is any fitting in the lines from the tank to the pots. When I run them again, I'm going to run 4 separate lines from the res to the pots. Truth be told, I only occassionally had a clog and rarely at the valve, it was almost always at a fitting, such as a T to split of to two pots, etc. A quick shot with a 30ml syringe to flush the line always worked.

And Hansbrick was the real master of auto pots! We all miss him!
Did @Hansbrick pass away? I remember when he was here! I've had a couple security issues since I've joined and have lost track of a lot of members I use to know. :pass:

A quick shot with a 30ml syringe to flush the line always worked.
I just purchased one from Amazon. Do you flush with the syringe on a set schedule, or when needed? :pass:

Yay! More autopot users with MegaCrop. :pop:

@Need4Weed , you should also get some hydroguard or similar just in case.
Thanks for the input. I ordered some Drip Clean yesterday and I have some FloraKleen too. Hopefully, she'll go clog free! :pass:
I use SLF-100 (was available locally for me) to keep my lines clean and have yet to run into a clogging issue. I don't use air domes, but am considering it after looking at the root mass on my first grow. Literally 2 inches of roots at the bottom. (60/40 coco/perlite only)

And yeah, Hansbrick was the name I kept seeing pop up when I was doing my initial research. Legend!
I live in the Boondocks, so Amazon and ebay seller "The Hydro Shop" are my main go toos. :pass:
Thanks for the input. I ordered some Drip Clean yesterday and I have some FloraKleen too. Hopefully, she'll go clog free! :pass:

Oh, I recommended Hyrdoguard (or any product with bacillus strains, specially Amyloliquefaciens) for avoiding root rot problems, not for line clogging.
I just flush as needed. I also keep a spare rig of tubing and fitting, I can swap out everything for 4 pots in just minutes.

Last I new, Hans my have been busted, though I don't know that for a fact. Really a shame, he was a real nice guy.

Did @Hansbrick pass away? I remember when he was here! I've had a couple security issues since I've joined and have lost track of a lot of members I use to know. :pass:

I just purchased one from Amazon. Do you flush with the syringe on a set schedule, or when needed? :pass:

Thanks for the input. I ordered some Drip Clean yesterday and I have some FloraKleen too. Hopefully, she'll go clog free! :pass:
I live in the Boondocks, so Amazon and ebay seller "The Hydro Shop" are my main go toos. :pass:
Oh, I recommended Hyrdoguard (or any product with bacillus strains, specially Amyloliquefaciens) for avoiding root rot problems, not for line clogging.
Lol, my bad! I've used SM-90 in the past for soil friction and root growth, but I'm just about out of it and they pulled it off the market due to a labeling issue. I did use the Regenaroot that came as a free sample with my Auto-pots during the initial watering/feeding of the coco and they hype it as a root stimulator. Here's a write-up from their website ... "Regenaroot stimulates monster root growth while boosting the naturally occurring immune defenses of plant root systems. Instead of containing rooting hormones, Regenaroot contains the required precursors for naturally occurring plant Auxins. This approach guarantees phenomenal root development without sacrificing top growth, making it safe to use throughout both vegetative and flowering stages. Regenaroot is designed to work throughout your plant’s entire life cycle and not just the vegetative period, stimulating MASSIVE healthy roots that just don’t stop growing! Can be used in all types of hydroponic, soil and coco based systems. A lush, healthy, productive root system every time is CX Horticulture’s guarantee to you. Directions: Use at 1 ml/L during all phases of cloning, growth and bloom". Hopefully, it does the job! :pass:
I just flush as needed. I also keep a spare rig of tubing and fitting, I can swap out everything for 4 pots in just minutes.
Next time I'm at Lowes or Home Depot, I pick up a spare rig tubing and fittings. Thanks for the insight! :d5::pass:

Last I new, Hans my have been busted, though I don't know that for a fact. Really a shame, he was a real nice guy.
I came really close to getting busted when a neighbor moved a trailer behind her home that some jerk was selling heroin out of. I about shit my pants when I seen sheriff deputys crossing my property line to stake them out. I had to shut down in the middle of a grow and I had to lay low for nearly a year. Sending positive vibes for Hans and I hope that he will be back soon! :karmacloud: