Need some advice/help

Alright maybe this seedling is just weaker than the other. I'll drop the ph and see how it goes from there.
For the flush, a friend that's been growing said I might of had mute build up/lock out and suggested I try running most of it out just in case that was causing the issues
How high is the light now? Make sure you don't let her get too close to that fireball again! I would suggest that you're having a pH issue, but like Arthur said waira is the expert plant doc...
The light is about 3 feet from the seedlings. About 2 feet or more from the tops of my dreamberry as well.
Here's just a comparison between the two seedlings.

Here's [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]. She was a slow sprouted but is far healthier and bigger. Same medium same watering

I don't get it when I hear you soil guys talk about flushing? The thing about soil is all of the LIVING microbes and fungi (ecosystem) that are making the already present nutrients available to the plant. Flushing just destroys the balance in a system like that. It takes time for that balance to return and I mean longer than that plant will live. I have grown organically outdoors for 40 plus years and good living soil takes years to develop. When you pay for high priced soil that should be what you are getting "Living Soil" and the only thing it should ever need is water.
it robs it of O2,compacts the soil and if the PH is having issues that tends to compound and/or leach lots of foods from a real organic soil. its usually a bad idea for the most part to NOT flush. even with most any grow in a medium like that Flushing is bad.Rinsing of a soil over time is another thing and the more proper way to rinse an active pot.
Flushing soil is a questionable practice, As stated above. That's why I asked... there are a lot of "grow big weed fast" myths out there, a lot of us that started this 20+ years ago found this out the hard way... no Internet to ask when I started...molasses is another one.
I don't get it when I hear you soil guys talk about flushing? The thing about soil is all of the LIVING microbes and fungi (ecosystem) that are making the already present nutrients available to the plant. Flushing just destroys the balance in a system like that. It takes time for that balance to return and I mean longer than that plant will live. I have grown organically outdoors for 40 plus years and good living soil takes years to develop. When you pay for high priced soil that should be what you are getting "Living Soil" and the only thing it should ever need is water.

it robs it of O2,compacts the soil and if the PH is having issues that tends to compound and/or leach lots of foods from a real organic soil. its usually a bad idea for the most part to NOT flush. even with most any grow in a medium like that Flushing is bad.Rinsing of a soil over time is another thing and the more proper way to rinse an active pot.

'Lil rant lol': I hear ya guys... but the point is to offer insight or next steps to take on the current situation along with the constructive information. Without the "constructive" part it's just information that doesn't serve a new grower any purpose for their current predicament. I'm not a soil guy or anything I don't have a preference yet, I'm learning as this is my first grow. Sooo yea, your information is noted, but next steps to take to possibly address/assess the situation would be preferred with the information. All love lol

Back to the dreamberry plant, The flush was done because I got in touch with a friend who introduced me to growing. He said whenever he runs into deficiencies or problems he can't assess immediately, he flushes the plant out to remove the nutes added from feedings. Acts as a 'clean slate' to a certain extent and he tries to asses it from there. He's had many successful grows for years, so I took his advice. This may or may not work, but with limited time and resources, you try what you can. Additional 'try this' would be appreciated
Wish I could go back and get a few picks of my first grow... your a star compared to were I ended up! About 2 Oz that I kept to myself... would love to say it was because it was so damn good, but.. it was because I didn't want anyone seeing was WTF is that? Bad... growing is an never ending learning process, hell, life is a learning process!

How many days is this strain supposed to have? If your close, I'd probably let her run, correcting feed, and pH issues as much as possible.
:crying:Everybody has to start somewhere. I'd be delighted if I pull 2oz off her. And she's supposed to run 70-75 days. Which means probably 80 days. I'm at 49 today so 2/3 the way there
'Lil rant lol': I hear ya guys... but the point is to offer insight or next steps to take on the current situation along with the constructive information. Without the "constructive" part it's just information that doesn't serve a new grower any purpose for their current predicament. I'm not a soil guy or anything I don't have a preference yet, I'm learning as this is my first grow. Sooo yea, your information is noted, but next steps to take to possibly address/assess the situation would be preferred with the information. All love lol

Back to the dreamberry plant, The flush was done because I got in touch with a friend who introduced me to growing. He said whenever he runs into deficiencies or problems he can't assess immediately, he flushes the plant out to remove the nutes added from feedings. Acts as a 'clean slate' to a certain extent and he tries to asses it from there. He's had many successful grows for years, so I took his advice. This may or may not work, but with limited time and resources, you try what you can. Additional 'try this' would be appreciated

Ok then kill that plant and start over............. Just kidding. You are in a very difficult situation because without expensive lab equipment there is just no way to know the status of your soil. This is what I would do. Dig as much of the soil out of the pot as you can without damaging too much root structure and replace it with the same FFOF you started with especially on the top - do not add anything else except PHed to 6.5 - 6.8 aerated water (no chlorine) and 1/2 teaspoon of molasses (no sulphur type) in 2 gallons of water and only add the sugar once. The idea here is to replace the microbial colony and feed it sugar to multiply fast. Only water to slight or no runoff. The water will help distribute the new living colony. The plant should respond well in a few days although some damage from what has happened to this point may continue to show for a while. The new soil is going to be higher in N than ideal for bloom but at least there will be some balance.

A common first timer mistake is getting the available nutrients out of balance and then they chase the symptoms with additions that further the out of balance status. Soil chemistry is very complex. It is the living microbes in the soil that make the elemental salts (NPK) and minerals available for the plant to take up and use. Flushing them out just leads to more deficiencies. Learning how to nurture those microbes is more effective than feeding any of the thousands of nutrient mixtures out there as long as you are starting with good balanced living soil.

I have talked about balance and what I mean is call Liebig's Law of the minimum. It is a simple concept with far reaching effects.

I hope this helps. If it is any consolation I have killed many plants and even trees over the years. Some lessons are learned in the school of hard knocks!

Good luck