Need some advice/help

@Renaissance Redneck I got a decent exhaust set up for cooling my lights but doing passive intake. Two cheap desk fans for airflow. Should I be pointing them at the plant or around? Always heard to never keep constant direct air on the plant or it'll hurt her. Was looking into oscillating fans for pole mounts but the one I bought died after a week and a half. Was good while it lasted lol.
:toke: ...might be a couple things behind this,.. just how dry is she getting before watering? I have no idea how moist it was when you first made that pot up, too subjective a measure,... never let it get to wilting or even very close to that, such dryness plays havoc on the pH and may overconcentrate the nute salts in there,... this hurts the roots, impeding water and nute uptake,...
...what distance is the light now? I see signs of some sort of heat/light/transpiration stress in those up turned margin teeth,... moderate air movement is fine, just not blasting direct! usually symptoms like this are either watering and/or environmental related,... any combo of high light/heat/close proximity, high T, low RH% and overly strong air movement can start causing these symptoms,....
How's it going @Waira:cheers:

I moved my lights about 16 inches away and she started to perk up. I guess I didn't raise he lights high enough as she was getting bigger. Rookie mistake:doh:. Lowered the humidity since she's starting to flower and she's been looking great. Ik people say wait until the first inch or two is dry before the next water but, before I water I try picking the pot up with my index and thumb on each hand. If I can't she's good. If I can but it's still a bit heavy, I give her another day, if I can relatively easily pick it up, she's ready to water. I check each day to make sure I don't go too long without watering her. Seems to work great!

@hairyman Yea I was thinking about a tower but after she is done, I plan on starting 2 or 3 glueberry og autos. Don't know if I'll have the floor space to easily access em:confused1:
@Renaissance Redneck I got a decent exhaust set up for cooling my lights but doing passive intake. Two cheap desk fans for airflow. Should I be pointing them at the plant or around? Always heard to never keep constant direct air on the plant or it'll hurt her. Was looking into oscillating fans for pole mounts but the one I bought died after a week and a half. Was good while it lasted lol.
@Waira has you covered, Brother:thumbsup: He's what we refer to as an Uber Grower:bow: And has saved my butt more than once:smoking:
...good mate, just checking! the hefting trick is a good one, but you have to make sure you "calibrated' yourself well before,and that does indeed start with getting a good feel of the pot when it's nice and well moistened,... :hothot: only 16" with a 600w HPS! it's a wonder she isn't literally burned,...:rofl: Up more man, like 24", as mentioned, that's a big light in that small space,... gotta be careful, but it's do-able,.... and i'm betting it's the main cause of the droops here,.. after a longer period in that state, sometimes they don't get back to their original posture and stay looking a bit droopy, so let's see what further elevation does,....

:pighug:Ray-ed! what's good my brudda? :pass:
nothing to worry about man, such posture changes aren't a biggie at all,...once correcting the cause that is!