Need some advice/help

Nov 22, 2017
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Sup people,

This is my first ever grow. Complete rookie and just been learning before my grow and as I go. Currently growing an auto dreamberry and it was going strong for some time. The last few days, she's been real droopy and I'm not sure why. I've read most causes are overwatering/underwatering but I've been pretty good on not doing those. Only water when the pot feels light like when I first put my medium in it. Here are some details:

Pot: 5gal smart pot
50% FFOF and 50% Soilless
3x3 tent temps around 75-82 and 50-60% humidity
20/4 light cycle
600W Aircooled HPS
Currently on day 33.
From sprout to week 3 I have ph'd tap water.
Day 21 to day 31 I gave light general organics veg nutes (calmag, grow, diamond black, weed, root, marine) found a nice guide for using those nutes.
I usually water every 3 or so days whenever the pot feels light.
I attached some pictures below for anyone who could help or throw some advice my way. Not sure if I'm super worried for no reason.

Starting of with I'm pretty high, I read thru twice... I didn't see a pH reading? I used FFOF for years... a decade ago... seems like their quality control is crap these days... pH all over the place. Have used the happy frog recently, and it was ok...

But yeah, we need a pH of what your giving, and honestly, of the soil. Either with a (decent) soil probe or a slurry test. Little voice in the back of my head is sayin the roots aren't happy...

PS... if I just saw the pic, and nothing else, I'd guess either over water, or high temp in the root zone....
Hey thanks for stopping by:d5:
Here's the reading
I gave it plain ph'd water for the last water and my nute mix usually falls at 6-6.4

Starting of with I'm pretty high, I read thru twice... I didn't see a pH reading? I used FFOF for years... a decade ago... seems like their quality control is crap these days... pH all over the place. Have used the happy frog recently, and it was ok...

But yeah, we need a pH of what your giving, and honestly, of the soil. Either with a (decent) soil probe or a slurry test. Little voice in the back of my head is sayin the roots aren't happy...

PS... if I just saw the pic, and nothing else, I'd guess either over water, or high temp in the root zone....
Hmmm...FFOF is also known to be pretty hot. Might be a little toxicity showing, can almost see a little leaf clawing in the second pic, bottom left side.... at the same time, 50-60 rh is higher than I run in flower, I shoot for 35 to 45%... maybe back off the feed other than a little cal/mag, the OF may have you covered. And also, on 24/0 the plant will still go thru a rest phase, where they'll droop for a few hrs and recover daily... your not checking at a different time than before?
Alright I'll just add a bit of cal mag to ph'd water and see how she goes from there. And I'm running a 20/4 not 24/0 lol so I usually check on her about 2-4 hours after lights on. Hopefully she perks right up
Hey, @Buzzybones :toke:
Sorry I can't see your pics and looks like @Arthur has you covered:d5:
A 600w hps is a lot of light for a 3x3 tent. I had a wilting/drooping issue on one of my first grows, turned out to be multiple issues:
I was reading temps at pot level, so my canopy temps were way higher.
I had no air exchange, so no fresh air coming in.
I had no fan, so no circulation inside the grow space. Just a thought?:shrug:
@Buzzybones. Ok, back to normal... just had to try the gg#4... 2 hitter quitter for sure, I'll be more careful. I followed the thread, will keep thinking on it, post back any updates.
@Renaissance Redneck yea I think that was one of the problems. I raised my lights up a bit higher and opened up the tent door some so the humidity will drop. Around 30-40% now and she started to perk up a bit:biggrin:.
@Arthur I'm going to keep watering with the calmag only for the next week or so and she how she reacts. Hopefully we can get her back to 100%!!
@Renaissance Redneck yea I think that was one of the problems. I raised my lights up a bit higher and opened up the tent door some so the humidity will drop. Around 30-40% now and she started to perk up a bit:biggrin:.
@Arthur I'm going to keep watering with the calmag only for the next week or so and she how she reacts. Hopefully we can get her back to 100%!!
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Look into getting a small fan, Brother, and see if your tent has intake and exhaust ports:biggrin:
I used a passive intake and a 3 or 4 inch cheepy duct fan for exhaust. Perked 'em right up:smokeit: