New Grower Need help with my first grow...

I was told earlier that I should wait until vertical growth stops before I switch bulbs from MH to HPS,
If you having height issues, i'd swap to HPS sooner. I believe HPS puts out more lumens than MH anyway so you'll be doing them a favour. (*edit to clarify: HPS is considerably more efficient for photosynthetic radiation (PAR) than metal halides.* lumens are for humans)

Although not knocking the other advice - MH and Veg Nutes until vertical grow stops is a good idea.

I have my 400w MH light about 2 inches from the tops of my plants,

That's a little bit too close :) can you bend the plant (not snap it!) to the side a little to get it under?

I added a little 6 inch clip fan, but not sure why I would need it, so I shut it off.
The little 6 inch fan would have been great to get a breeze on your seedlings to build a nice thick stalk :) this gives them strength and give them a nice think water highway to take the nutes around the plants.

An added benefit of having breeze in the cab is cutting down the risk of mold. (botris)

My fans are on 24 hours to avoid this. (and they like the wind a little)

Is there a page on AFN with links to completed grow journals, or do I just have to search completed ones out?

You kind of need to hunt them down, but there are growers that you'll soon find always complete their journals and really document things well.

Again thank you so much Blue and everyone that had helped me along the way..I am already in love with this hobby and I will definitely be sticking around for a while!! Peace and love -slim

It's all good slim! :) throw up a picture if you get the chance - we'd love to see her!

All the best
Blue ^_^

Another question..Is there a page on AFN with links to completed grow journals, or do I just have to search completed ones out?

Some members have their old completed journals still linked in their signatures, so keep an eye out for that, too
Again Blue, thank you for the quick response!!
I am only using Canna Coco A+B so I wouldn't be switching nutes or anything, correct?
I do not have height problems.....yet! (-; I have them 2 inches away and they are not getting burnt at all...I had one leaf on the glass all day and it didn't burn or wilt or anything...Should I still move them more then 2 inches away?
Thanks Bandit, ill keep an eye out!
One more question for Blue and everyone growing Auto's, do you prefer auto's to photos and why? I tried Auto's for my first grow because of the shortened time from seed to harvest and because I figured less hassle with dealing with light schedules and they seem to be lower maintenance, but I am a newbie and wouldn't know anyway! (-:
On with the below!

BTW:The pictures are of all 3 White Widow plants..


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I prefer autos to photos because they're the only thing I've ever grown!
Hey Slim :)

Yes the coco A&B you use together throughout the whole grow (the same amount of A&B each time)
If you can get them a couple of inches away from the glass it would be better. Even just for some airflow.

Do i prefer autos or photos :D hehe

It's a tough one for me - i like them both for different reasons.

Without a doubt, i'm better at growing photos than autos (i put my hands up - it's easier!)
I can usually get a bigger yield with one Photoperiod in the cab rather than 2 autos.

I prefer autos for variety. I can grow two or three auto varieties in my cab in 12 weeks. In comparision with the One Photoperiod i could have in the cab which i would top at about 5 weeks and start flowering at 6. then there's another 80 odd days of flowering before i can pull her.

So i'll mix it up. Like this go i've got a lovely sweet seeds Black Cream and DP Auto White widow in the cab. I'll close down for christmas and probably smoke too much - so Jan i'll start 2 more autos.
When i get to week 8 of the autos i'll stick in one photo period on 20 hours light to get it vegging, 4-5 weeks later i can pull the autos out, top the photperiod and get it flowering and i still have a lovely vairety of smoke and a big yield comeing in 8-10 weeks :)

Super duper! :)

I love em both - but let it be said - if you can grow a nice auto - you'll breeze a photoperiod grow (although it will seem to take forever :rofl:)
Salutations slimjim

The girls are looking super sexy.... Seem a little crowded to the Kings eyes... But as I say super sexy..... real nice for a first time grow....

Good to see Princess BLUE*, Happy et al. taking good care of you

Keep up the great work......

hey slimjim, nice comeback. ive learned a lot reading this. here for the duration.
Thank you King! Yeah my cab is 4' x 2', but I have all three pots in a cement mixing tray that is 3' x 2'. I use it to catch the runoff after feeding..I couldn't think of anything else to use so they are really on top of each other, and I pretty much am wasting a foot of width in grow space...any suggestions to remedy would be appreciated!!

Thanks elsamurai!! I really thought I lost them! I just decided to feed em' anyway while I waited for my new auto-mazers to show up and BOOM, they just took off! I can't say enough good things about the kind, knowledgeable people on this board!! Everyone has been awesome and just a simple "hey they are looking good" gets me fired up and excited about this grow!! I have no clue what they will yield. I'll be happy just to see them bud up and finish!!
I put mine in some cheap baking pan's 1 inch bigger than my pot's. the 3 for $2 kind at the walmart. hope that help's. I hate wasting valuable grow space.
Good idea Elsamurai! I'll look into that....Grow space is a terrible thing to waste!! I could have thrown an extra bean in there. (-;
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