New Grower Need help with my first grow...

Thank you Derek! All I did was start using my Canna COCO A + B nutes and pushing them little by little everyday per Happy's advice . Seems like my drainage is working better too. I feed very little and I get runoff now. I'm glad I didn't totally kill these plants, and they are fun to practice on! I am not expecting any yield from them so if I get any it's all gravy! I did however check my mail and I received my 3 new auto the issue is trying to fit 3 new beans in with my 3 shrimp white widows....
I would not put the new beans in with the old plants. you really need to plant them in new containers with soil that has been properly ammended and all that stuff so you don't experience the same problems or new ones
Just my opinion but you should keep those plants seperate so you can practice on them while you are growing your new ones because they are a few weeks ahead it kind of lets you see into the future on what to expect. I know you are anxious to get some healthy looking beasts but everything has to be done in the correct order for things to end up looking like a TAng or Mr.Ganjamoto grow. Those guys and all of the master growers here are very miticulous about the things they do in there grows and they only got there by doing it and learning as you are now.

AFN is such an amazing resource, in that it provides you a place to get all of the expert advice you could possibly want or need. If I were you I would start a new grow journal in the New Growers forum with your new beans as they are(still in the package) and get advice on what to do from the very start. I will be happy to chime in and invite some experinced folks to your thread to help you out if you would like. That way you can get things going right from the very start with lots of expereinced eyes watching and helping you out along the way
Thanks Derek, you are very kind, and all I have experienced so far has been kind people. I'm from the old school even though I am young, so it's nice to see kind heads that are willing to give their free time to help a newb out like me and come across the way you do...thank you! May good karma find it's way toward you my friend!
Going to start a new journal now...again thank you and everyone for the great advice!!
No problem, this is something we all love to do. I wouldnt spend up to 10 hours a day on AFN if I didnt enjoy it lol. Send me a PM with the link of your new Grow Journal and I will PM a few folks so we can get you some good advice from the start, and together we will grow you some monster beasts!
It will be nice to have a mentor, thank you!
I like the way you think..Monster beast!! Oh quick question...why do you prefer auto-flowering plants?(assuming you do) just curious?
Hello I was supposed to start a new grow journal with my new beans, but I keep feeding my original plants from this thread...and guess what, they just started showing their sex and they are growing so quickly now. So I decided to stick w/this grow journal until they are done..for good or ill...What do you all think? I've read that they show their sex at about 3 weeks, and compared to other white widow autos, they look about 21 days old....even though in reality they are 42 days old!!


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Hey slimjim! reading through this thread, I am glad to see you came out of that bleak situation.

In hindsight, what errors did you make?

I ask because I and almost ready to plant my Blue Himalaya seeds into a coco mix and I'd like to avoid your situation :)
Hey Soggermom, thanks for your interest!! I used about 80% coco coir and 20% perlite in 3 gal pots. I probably should have ran some tap water through the coco to make sure I had good drainage, but my biggest mistake was not feeding them. I use Canna Coco A+B, but instead following the feeding schedule on Canna's website, I just listened to a lot of folks on the net giving me a million suggestions and I was actually afraid that I over-watered!! But the kind folks here on AFN set me straight! (:
Ok, so now its been a week since I last posted pics of my near death 3 auto white widow seedlings...Please veteran growers, how does she look? I still can't believe they survived...I am still not expecting any kind of significant yield...these are on day 50...they showed their sex on day 42...I am just hoping they go to harvest...

I am kind of confused. They are Autoflowering seeds. They have a short life from what I hear. Mine were stunted for the first 21 days of my grow. Now at day 50 they look and act like they are on day 30...will they run out of steam on day 70 or 80? Will they continue to just grow normally going into like 90 to 100 days? Sorry for being such a noob, but I am confused. Any answers or suggestions would be awesome!!


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