Need assistance

5 gallons of ffof should last a plant 3 months with only flowering amendments in the third month easy. Lower leaves are very dark green and limp, suggests a N toxicity. Something to consider.

And when your lighting schedule starts and stops during your day doesn't matter. Your lighting doesn't seem to be out of the norm, your dli is only about 30.
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Some food for thought based on my experience growing with FFOF and their trio bottle nutes.

Your plant looks underwatered and underfed mostly, I agree with the mg def but that I think is just the first sign of it being underfed. I ran into it alot when I started and yours looks about the same as mine did. When I was growing in 3 gals I would have to water daily during flowering and pretty much every other day by the 3rd week. That will be less if you're in a larger pot. I also had to start adding in tiger bloom(bloom nutes) around week 3 as well. I feed it 1/4 strength nutes every other watering. Although I watered till about 10% runoff so I didn't have salt buildup. A bit different than most people but it worked for me. As others have said lifting the pot for weight is a good way to tell if it needs water or not. Only thing I added to my soil was a bit of perlite. Hope that helps!
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Some food for thought based on my experience growing with FFOF and their trio bottle nutes.

Your plant looks underwatered and underfed mostly, I agree with the mg def but that I think is just the first sign of it being underfed. I ran into it alot when I started and yours looks about the same as mine did. When I was growing in 3 gals I would have to water daily during flowering and pretty much every other day by the 3rd week. That will be less if you're in a larger pot. I also had to start adding in tiger bloom(bloom nutes) around week 3 as well. I feed it 1/4 strength nutes every other watering. Although I watered till about 10% runoff so I didn't have salt buildup. A bit different than most people but it worked for me. As others have said lifting the pot for weight is a good way to tell if it needs water or not. Only thing I added to my soil was a bit of perlite. Hope that helps!
It does, and i did feed once at the start of week 5 with a 1/4 strength dose of big bloom, tiger bloom, root drench, kelp, and microbrew. I thought it was gonna die after that cuz it wilted so bad and thats when the chlorosis started....everyone has been a big help tho so thanks, got a lot of work tonight when I get home!

When you deal with the company like these guys what you're doing is you're investing once into a medium that is provided you don't overfeed it or screw it up will last you forever

I'm going to have to have my wife come home and look at my photos and my album and find out if the one she shared with me from the old phone that I dropped in the river I can't upload them here for some reason I don't know if I backed them up wrong or what they came from another phone from a Google Drive from my old phone that ended up in a river when I was over zealous during a drowning deer incident over the winter so let me do it like this for ya
An average medium bag that they give you is a white burlap and it's 20 quarts to it should be enough for each plant or maybe two plants in each I don't know however you want to do it I take that 20 quart bag I lay it on its side I cut it down the middle I open up the flaps and I take an old plastic drawer like they used and they sell in Walmart you know those three tier drawers or just all the same translucent plastic and I sit the 20 quart medium on its side in that and moisten it first to get a good moisture content in it planting into it and then as the plant needs and it goes through moisture I just leave it in that bin water as needed or feed as needed depending on what medium I'm using and then just lift the corner of it and I get a good idea I've been doing that probably the last five six seasons and I've been doing all right
Thanks man, im definitely gonna look into this because I was already considering making a compost out of what I have potted now.
I always used to laugh at the farmers up here that would have four or five year old manure piles stacked and sealed sitting in the retaining ponds. Little did I know that they do that for trial and error and ease of use and the fact that it works so well. Some of the guys that first started up opening up hydro shops must not have grown up on those kind of farms like I did cuz the last thing I do is tell my customers to buy a bottle of something that they could get Naturally by driving down the road and asking a farmer for a bucketful
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone whos commented and will comment on this help thread. You guys are all freakin amazing. Hopefully I can get her turned around in the next month. Was planning on switching to flower at the start of oct.
Thanks man, im definitely gonna look into this because I was already considering making a compost out of what I have potted now.
I just think if with the drive you have and your willingness to learn and you're wanting to make things I hear you you just want things to be simple and easy hopefully I've laid enough advice and groundwork for you or you can do that and be stress-free
I just think if with the drive you have and your willingness to learn and you're wanting to make things I hear you you just want things to be simple and easy hopefully I've laid enough advice and groundwork for you or you can do that and be stress-free
We'll see, we wont know till I try and that wont be for a couple months yet
5 gallons of ffof should last a plant 3 months with only flowering amendments in the third month easy. Lower leaves are very dark green and limp, suggests a N toxicity. Something to consider.

And when your lighting schedule starts and stops during your day doesn't matter. Your lighting doesn't seem to be out of the norm, your dli is only about 30.
You think more light? I was gonna bump it up to 50% which at the current height puts me over 525 umol at the canopy and about 450 at the base
You think more light? I was gonna bump it up to 50% which at the current height puts me over 525 umol at the canopy and about 450 at the base
Do you think laying some sawdust or woodchips might help n tox. I was thinking the same thing but I didnt know you could draw nitrogen out of soil this way.