New Grower Natures Living Soil first Grow.

Big Sul

Cultivators Club
Dec 29, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Garage closet converted. (19"x48"x60")
Fox farm Happy Frog
3-gal fabric pots
2- AutoCobs
Natures Living Soil
10" fan

Dropped seeds in water (Jack Herrer, Gg#4). Going directly into SuperSoil in the AM.
Closer is currently 79deg, 70%rh
Lights are 36"
Garage closet converted. (19"x48"x60")
Fox farm Happy Frog
3-gal fabric pots
2- AutoCobs
Natures Living Soil
10" fan

Dropped seeds in water (Jack Herrer, Gg#4). Going directly into SuperSoil in the AM.
Closer is currently 79deg, 70%rh
Lights are 36"
View attachment 1273766

heya @Big Sul Happee New Year & :welcome: to afn! :toke: all lookz & soundz good & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

Seeds sunk. Placing in Jiffy pucks and letting them rest for a couple of hours before going into supersoil. As this is my first run and I am limited on space, my plans are to attempt LST.

To be honest, I am terrified to LST, so I planted a 3rd seed (bag seed from JH) in a smaller pot with FF Happy Frog soil. My plans are to "practice" on this plant.

On another note, please please please be forthcoming with any observations , as I am a firm believer that "it takes a village...." and I embrace continued improvement.


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Good luck, man! Jack Herrer is my all time favorite strain. Something about the smell gets me every time.
The "bag Jack" has sprouted while the JH & GG#4 have yet to show themselves.

Temp: 79f
Rh: 72%
Media: Supersoil (FFHF & Natures Living Soil)
Lights: 2 Autocob @ 36"

No progress on seeds in 3G pots, "bag Jack" moving right along.

I do have a question on how much water to give the seeds that are dropped in jiffy cubes. I soaked seeds in water overnight the placed them in Jiffy cubes which went into soil under humidity domes (no vents in domes). I've been maintaining 75-80 degF and 65-75% rh. I am currently adding minimal water via squirt bottle keeping the Jiffy cube damp/moist.