Amen JM. She said she came home and took 2 X strength arthritis tabs and had a beer almost in tears. She said with the bud it was almost as she was exhaling she felt the pain just drop starting at her shoulders. She's outside right now and I can hear her giggling. :dance2:
Test the waters coming out when you water rule out PH first off. Mag and Micro will do that. From what I have gathered from this site auto need good amounts of both. I have been giving my ladies 1/4 strength nutes NPK but anything to do with roots be it Micro,Bio Root,Humic I go 1/2 strength. Also your Calmag has to be fed alone with no other nutes. Something about CA locking up that is another thread.
Yeah Kicker,
I've found that autos are way different from photos which is so interesting to me. How do they know? My pH is always adjusted using RO water. I had a cal/mag problem from the start not using the right soil and bandaging late with molasses and Epsom salt mixes. But we're on the final flushing week and I'm watching the trichs closely. The yield is small but it's also an indoor grow with cfl's. A little bit goes a long way with this strain so we'll be OK for a while until some photo White Widow and Swiss Cheese comes from outside. I'll be rethinking my next grow with different soil. (No slow release nute soil!)
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