N toxicity help, should i flush?

if the soil is locked up,why not soak it with a mild soapy mix until the bubbles stop then let it drain well. a small dose of B2 might be good. but its a great trick for locked up soils.
You say you had high temps with low humidity during the grow.
Did it cause the pots to totally dry out?
When you water does the water seem to just run through or does the soil absorb it and add weight to the pot?
Your problems look like lock out.
Well I check the weight religiously as you can see in my spreadsheet, it would soak it up when I watered with not much run off even giving them 1l each

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I mean if anything they hold too much water. Well they lose weight each day a fair bit but when I check the soil with the pH stick which also measures wetness it is always pretty high still. Comes out moist. The soil does that 'sucking' gloob thing when I water (not sure how to describe, soul goes up then sucks back in?) is that a good sign? I think I may have let them dry out a bit much at times in the tent, so I'm trying to water once in the morning and once before work now. They seem to be perking up since I stopped the co2

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Try the soil meter around the edge of the pot.
You can have a moist centre with bone dry sides.

Who knows it could be the co2.

Good luck with it.
I mean if anything they hold too much water. Well they lose weight each day a fair bit but when I check the soil with the pH stick which also measures wetness it is always pretty high still. Comes out moist. The soil does that 'sucking' gloob thing when I water (not sure how to describe, soul goes up then sucks back in?) is that a good sign? I think I may have let them dry out a bit much at times in the tent, so I'm trying to water once in the morning and once before work now. They seem to be perking up since I stopped the co2

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If you think they are holding to much water have you considered smaller more frequent waterings.
Too wet can be as bad as too dry for lockouts.
Try the soil meter around the edge of the pot.
You can have a moist centre with bone dry sides.

Who knows it could be the co2.

Good luck with it.

yeah from all my reading on the subject almost all of the symptoms i was posting about earlier its followed the course for ethylene and sulphur poisoining.
i found a few other threads around the net years old and any of the pics i found showed similar symptoms. they present as general cal/mag deficiency but like
in mine it just goes super crazy all of a sudden (mine was almost overnight, only small spotting then the entire leaf almost)

If you think they are holding to much water have you considered smaller more frequent waterings.
Too wet can be as bad as too dry for lockouts.

yep but current life circumstances i can't do it manually, so i've got a set of blumats on the way i'll try and dial those in and hope that helps.

thanks again guys for all the assistance, i'll keep this thread updated atleast as we get further along see if they improve