N toxicity help, should i flush?

Would it be maybe a good idea next feed to just leave out the part A? Since it's just 3-0-0 and just use the part b and some cal-mag? Should be a good way to cut down on my N

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Ray, that's fine I think,... my only concern is when you leave out a part, the nutrient profile may become incomplete, since not everything is in each part,... the Ca-Mg will cover that base, but I don't see other certain other secondary or micronutrients in either A or B,... this is why I hate AN's line-up! Sometimes this splitting is because certain nute elements do not play well with others when in conc. states,.. but AN is notorious for breaking up beyond this to force you to buy a dozen fucking bottles of stuff to cover all the bases and specialty nutes (like Si, Humic-fulvic, etc.),.... Micronutes in particular are really important, even if needed only in minute quantities, they play critical roles in metabolism and uptake,... look in your line-up for micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, B, Mo, Cl, etc),... best to have those included if possible, to avoid further snafu's! If you don't have it, Earth Juice makes a killer product, MicroBlast, for this,....
Yeah i might have a look what I can get locally but there isn't much of a selection otherwise I might order something online if I can afford it this week, so expensive down this neck of the woods

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@Waira heres an update with a lot of photos for you. (full size images) this is after doing feed at 1200PPM 2 days ago, then water yesterday and now feed again today after taking these photos. some are showing different issues now, i'll label each photo so you know what plant it is.

Ichi Full shot: overall about the same except new growth dropping leaves

Ichi damaged middle leave (has stayed the same as from a few days ago)

Ichi damaged lower leave, seems to be working its way up from a few days ago

Ichi: overhead shot top growth is slightly dropping and skinny maybe too close to light? have raised light anyway

Ni full shot: overall about the same, lower leaves still showing issue and spreading slightly on those leaves

Ni: damaged lower leave

Ni: overhead shot: new growth skinny and slightly droopy, also slight yellow tips

runnoff PH from Ni: i would say closer to 6.4 then 6.8 PPM was 1500 going in and 1500 with the little runnoff i got

Yon full shot: lots of drooping leaves and new dots have formed on random leaves, perhaps light burn? or Ca def?

Yon: brown/gold spots forming on random leaves

Yon: more spots

Yon: more progressed spots

Yon: overhead, lots of drooping leaves and skinny growth


5th plant Go is not showing any issues at all anymore, growing 5cm a day.
what's your water source, and are you using a TDS to measure ppm? Do you know if it's hard? ...Very odd to see no change in ppm's in run-off vs. input! .Strips are too crude, poor resolution,......looking to see how much of it is feed, and how much is hardness,... 1200 is high, 1500 too much, you'll burn them if you keep that up,.. an initial dose or two is fine, if they seem to take it OK without signs of tips burning,.. but back it off to under 100,.. it'll take a couple-few days to halt progression, and sometimes, that leave is doomed anyway, it's the halting of new symptoms on other leaves, and hopefully on affected ones you're looking for,... The Micro's are just a precaution, no sign of trouble there so far,....
...leave bowing might be minor lingering N tox, or maybe just uneven growth from the nutes, not a issue IMO right now,... skinny leaves are normal,... how far away is the light?

...Yon, N-tox,... P defc., related to Ntox,... may progress until things level out in there,.. here's the deal: plants take in most nutrients whether they need them or not, no stopping it,...they can use some, store some, but beyond that you can start getting tox' issues, burn, overload in the soil, which will screw up water balance and uptake along with nutes,....
Cheers yep measure with tds meter it's 130-150ppm tap water pH around 6.8-7. My tap water is really good compared to others. I'll back off on the feed again today and get a pH meter soon, I plan on getting an accurate 8 if I can. I've moved the lights up the past 2 days since I was worried about it, heats gone up since changing to the hps from MH, sitting around 20" above top of plants.

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@Waira or anyone else any ideas on this one? (on Yon if you want to compare to photos I posted the other day) Seems to be spreading and these new symptoms not showing on any other plants. They seem to be taking the extra feed ok, last few days have been around 1000ppm feed and fed 1l each day, runnoff is coming out either the same or slightly higher, does this mean they are eating everything so i should be slowly increasing the feed?

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Could really use some advice on what to do here this ones getting pretty bad. Almost overnight it's gone from just a few spots to this. Pics of plant San. This is the one that's given me most of the trouble if you look back. This symptom is starting to show on a few leaves on 2 other plants also so I would love to be able to tackle it be it affects them as much as this.

Been checking pH and everything seems fine, was slowly increasing feeds as they are drinking lots and run off ppm was coming out close to if not the same as what I was putting in. Struggling to figure this one out. My thoughts are this one is nute locked at the root zone hence why it's showing much higher ppm runnoff compared to the others each day and symptoms more progressed since it can't take up what I'm feeding her.

If that's the case though I have no clue how to fix that.

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She does look locked out or at least to have been. Top leaves are curling downward from excess, patches of yellow. Can't do anything to change the damaged leaves, but they are good indications.
I think just a couple of regular waterings may correct issues, not a flush, just regular watering so excess can be utilized.
She does look locked out or at least to have been. Top leaves are curling downward from excess, patches of yellow. Can't do anything to change the damaged leaves, but they are good indications.
I think just a couple of regular waterings may correct issues, not a flush, just regular watering so excess can be utilized.
Ok cool thanks will give it a few of plain water see if it improves.

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