N toxicity help, should i flush?

:yeahthat:...Rayuki, this isn't N-tox mate, like Pepe' says, no classic claw tips....... zero sign of nute burn on tips, particularly the new growth, so that's out,... lowers with "teeth" and tip browning, more likely some minor K defc.,... (K is mobile within the plant , so will be pulled form older leaves to support new growth),... about the N in the soil, it depends on what the source is, but only soluble form will "rinse out", insoluble won't,.. it's the soil microbes that need to break insoluble forms down into forms the plant can absorb (nitrate, ammonium- NH4+)... this is in part what's behind the delayed release effect you read about,... meantime, stop flushing! this is an emergency method mainly, to help correct badly off pH and/or heavy nute build-up that's starting to kill the plant,... neither is the case here,... that said, an in-pot pH reading would be wise,.. you'll need a good pH probe for that (Accurate 8 is a nice model for the $).. like Micron mentioned, a pH meter (for liquids) is critical! Not having means to test things is a disaster waiting to happen,.. An nutes "self-buffer pH" only in solution, and with recommended RO/Di water,.. add hardness in there, and the ability is taxed as is,.. your water is nice though at that ppm,... enough mineral content to help with pH buffering (CaCO3, it's the carbonate anion that's involved with buffering)...... that 700ppm includes the water's 130ppm? that's light feed, and the soil, now over-purged of nutes, is likely not much help now,.. So, raise the feed up more, say 100ppm, and watch the leaf tips for signs of yellowing, indicating early nute burn,... I don't know all the damn AN products NPK#'s, so do some math and find out what K is going in from all inputs,...
What lights are you using, and how far away? That compressed look is more of an intensity issue perhaps, too strong,.. shortens internodal lengths,....
Don't bother with dolomite for pH correction, it's too slow acting,... even regular lime won't act right away (dolomite has slightly different chemistry, hence the slower release), and until we know what the soil pH is, any fooling around with corrective products is more likely to make matters worse, not better, unless you get plain dumb lucky! there's no sign of badly off pH, other nutes defc.'s would likely be showing by now,... it's still in play, but my guess is it isn't critical-bad,.... You can get a crude idea from watering-only run-off, but again, with no meter or even higher resolution test kits, you're stuck,... try the strips anyway if you like, if it's within the resolution range, it make help eliminate things some,...
:yeahthat:...Rayuki, this isn't N-tox mate, like Pepe' says, no classic claw tips....... zero sign of nute burn on tips, particularly the new growth, so that's out,... lowers with "teeth" and tip browning, more likely some minor K defc.,... (K is mobile within the plant , so will be pulled form older leaves to support new growth),... about the N in the soil, it depends on what the source is, but only soluble form will "rinse out", insoluble won't,.. it's the soil microbes that need to break insoluble forms down into forms the plant can absorb (nitrate, ammonium- NH4+)... this is in part what's behind the delayed release effect you read about,... meantime, stop flushing! this is an emergency method mainly, to help correct badly off pH and/or heavy nute build-up that's starting to kill the plant,... neither is the case here,... that said, an in-pot pH reading would be wise,.. you'll need a good pH probe for that (Accurate 8 is a nice model for the $).. like Micron mentioned, a pH meter (for liquids) is critical! Not having means to test things is a disaster waiting to happen,.. An nutes "self-buffer pH" only in solution, and with recommended RO/Di water,.. add hardness in there, and the ability is taxed as is,.. your water is nice though at that ppm,... enough mineral content to help with pH buffering (CaCO3, it's the carbonate anion that's involved with buffering)...... that 700ppm includes the water's 130ppm? that's light feed, and the soil, now over-purged of nutes, is likely not much help now,.. So, raise the feed up more, say 100ppm, and watch the leaf tips for signs of yellowing, indicating early nute burn,... I don't know all the damn AN products NPK#'s, so do some math and find out what K is going in from all inputs,...
What lights are you using, and how far away? That compressed look is more of an intensity issue perhaps, too strong,.. shortens internodal lengths,....
Don't bother with dolomite for pH correction, it's too slow acting,... even regular lime won't act right away (dolomite has slightly different chemistry, hence the slower release), and until we know what the soil pH is, any fooling around with corrective products is more likely to make matters worse, not better, unless you get plain dumb lucky! there's no sign of badly off pH, other nutes defc.'s would likely be showing by now,... it's still in play, but my guess is it isn't critical-bad,.... You can get a crude idea from watering-only run-off, but again, with no meter or even higher resolution test kits, you're stuck,... try the strips anyway if you like, if it's within the resolution range, it make help eliminate things some,...

ok thanks heaps for all the info @Waira i really appreciate it.
As for it not being N toxicity or not im still not sure either way but this is just 1 plant, i'll get some pics of my others (or have a look in my journal from yesterday i put some pics up) but yeah there are classic signs like claw tips on new growth, dark green foliage. but yeah after looking into it my symptoms across the board do seem to fit more with K deficiency (thats potassium correct?)


i'll be able to source a PH meter locally tomorrow for the soil until i can get an accurate 8, might just pick up a test kit just incase and will work on getting a proper PH meter for the liquids. since the nutes im using is "ph perfect" i didn't actually think i'd need one. as for lights they are under a 600w MH at the moment, its been sitting around 20" away for the past week. also i am supplementing with Co2 at 1500 PPM. im at work but i'll work out the maths for what K they are getting in the morning. could be i'm actually under feeding them i guess since i've been worried its N toxicity and my feed is light as you said.
So busy morning, got some supplies. PH meter seems pretty shit all the soils read right on the 7 like this it doesn't seem to move. The soil test kit seems to read more around 6.5 I would say. Also i got some of this liquid potash + should I maybe add some of this to my nute mix? Also got pic of the AN %. Thoughts? @waira

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Some more pics of the biggest girl

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:smoking: dude, that's not the same plant as one the previous page, right? That one above has N-tox for sure! ... better dial the Grow back some,... Once in the soil/soilless medium, all bets are off for self buffering, too many other influencing factors in play,.... yeah, those wimpy skinny probe are crap! Take it back mate,...
... hold off on the liquid K product, the part B has plenty,...
I see two pH tests, no pic for the plant on 2nd one-? ..first one looks acidic, locking out P, from the looks of those symptoms,....but the color is kinda hard to see clearly,... was this one flushed?
..following pics look like more P defc.,... yellow tips likely more K defc. starting,...
Yeah different plant I have 5 plants, all showing similar symptoms. The pics I posted are of my biggest plant since the first plant I posted pics of didn't change, (wanted to show you some more of the damage to get a better diagnosis) and the pH is the same test just different zoom levels color is in natural light to my eyes closer to the 6.5.
Also I think im using the incorrect term for flushing since I've looked into it more i only ran about 1l each of water thru them for a few days in a row, without feeding when this issue started to show. So I'm guessing the advice to up my feeds ppm from 700 is a bad idea now? I already fed my girls this morning after posting the above, so guess I'll just see what's happening in the morning and hope I havn't killed them overnight!

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@Waira could they just be underfed? i've been looking up grows for this strain and alot of people are saying they are heavy feeders, and im also using Co2, which would mean they should feed more right? so could it just be that since i gave them like 4 days in a row of just water and my feeds have been very small?
Got a photo of the soil contents if it helps figure anything out. They seem to have taken well to the big feed at 1000ppm i did yesterday, nothing is spreading and they drank around 500ml each it seems.

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:smoking:pardon the delay mate, .... yup, if the pH is OK, and there's no overt symptoms of recent nute burn, then it's a simple lack-of defc. happening,... you have some bronzing on the leaves too, a vlassic P defc. symtpoms as well,.. you already up'ed the feed ppm, and for those with different issues, you can tinker with the ratios of different products... more of the P heavy part for P defc. plants, reduce N input on the one that has N-tox',... CO2 augmentation is a pretty advanced grow method,.. I think you'll only see any real benefit if the plants are so large, the tent small enough that air turn-over isn't fast enough to keep up with demands..? that, and you must be sure feeds aren't the limiting factor as well, otherwise it's a waste of time and $$,... it's a fine edge to run on mate, one I've never done myself (I'm an outdoor guy mainly), so i can't advise much there, just lay out some principles,... right now, your feeds are a limiting factor, and the small plants are not utilizing the extra CO2,...
Cheers again for all the info, will keep an eye on them over the next few days and adjust my feed to suit each now im getting an idea of what each symptom means thanks to your help.

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