Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

Thank you all very much - and Griever, thanks for the rep slap. I mean, who doesnt like a little slap from time to time? Just NO FACE! lol

*shudder* awful memories hahahahaha.
Your video update has finally arrived :P

Critical+ - day 60
Auto Acid - day 49

ok so technically when this was done they were day 59 and 48, buuut...I like to keep things accurate ;)
As I've mentioned lately, ChandySide has inspired me to do a video update.
So a video update is what I have done. This is my 2nd attempt, though the first one never 'aired', if you will haha, and this one is only mildly embarrassing lol.

So, without further ado...adieu...does it matter? lol
toe-may-toe tah-mah-toe.


So shortly after watching that video I realized it looks like I manhandled the Critical+....and I probably did a little...but I didnt mean to! lol its okay. she's a tough lil thing, she can take it ;P
Also - on a side note, I hate how the mylar makes you look like you're standing in front of a fun house mirror lol though I guess it's sort of good, for security reasons and what not? lol
ps- dig the 7-11 shirt ;)
I just wanted to say...

AFN proooooooooooooobably isn't the proper place for this, buuut....
hahahaha. went to have dinner at the boyfriends 'rents house for his moms 60th birthday yesterday.

And being that I'm a DIY-er, I don't buy a whole lot, lol So, I decided I was going to make her something.
This was my "pin"speration - pin.jpg.
So after I got to work, these are the ones I ended up making for her. -Side note- I had them sitting out on our front banister and my boyfriend hadn't seen them yet. When he got home, I could hear him laughing outside.... from the living room lol- potpeople.jpg
Aaaand this is them on the swing at his parents' house -potpeopleswing.jpg
I'm pretty much obsessed with them lol
And yes. I fully intend on making them true pot people by planting marijuana as the hair ;)
Good effort they look amazing! Making stuff's the best
Welcome to another episode of 'the high ramblings of Mz. W', lol.

The fella and I have officially booked our vacation and I'm pretty pumped.
"Well where are they going?" you may wonder. Well allow me to tell you....
hahaha, I had a rather deprived childhood, so I only just had my DisneyWorld V-Card revoked 2 years ago lol. And for anyone thats never been to WDW, it really is, magical.
And I cant lie. I may'v'e gotten a bit teary eyed watching the fireworks over the cinderella castle, lol
It gets better, lol
Not only am I going to be going to Disney World. But we booked this fucking bitchin' 3bedroom house. with its own private, enclosed, pool/deck area. For 7 nights.
Epcot is holding the food and wine festival while we're there. And WHO will be playing the "Eat To The Beat" concert at said festival?
And being that its the food and wine festival, I'm assuming MMMHops will be available.
Yeah. They started they're own brewing company.

Which ultimately, brings me to the whole point of my post.

We're gonna be driving since its cheaper than 2 plane tickets. Plus Ive never been on one and I'm a-scared lol. So we'll be leaving after were both done working on Friday September the 26.
Auto Acid has an advertised time of 75 days from seed. Last time around I let her go somewhere between 92-95 days from seed, cant remember which. Today she's on day 56. If I let her go the full 95 days again, I would have exactly a week to chop it, trim it, dry it, and make sure its properly dried (IE it doesnt need to go back in the closet to dry some more) and in jars curing before we left. Which might be doable...but -knock on wood- she is my biggest, most healthy plant to date so I'm worried what the dry time is gonna be like. Which do you think is/would be more detrimental -
Chopping at day 95 and crossing my fingers, my toes, my legs and holding my breath that everything goes smoothly and all is done ready and curing by the time we leave
Watering her pretty heavy before we leave, and throwing her in the dark (or even back in the garden w/ lights on their normal 14-10 schedule) until we get back on the 4th or the 5th of october (110 days from seed) and chopping as soon as we get back?