Myth Busting - Revegging Autoflowers


This is what these "semi-autos" look like after about 3 months of flowering under 20/4 light


And like this after like 4.5 months when it started dying of old age and never got to flower properly:


This is how this sort of plants look like if you move it under 12/12 light after decent veg:


Im sure something like 14/10 or even 16/8 would had given similar results than 12/12

This is what these "semi-autos" look like after about 3 months of flowering under 20/4 light


And like this after like 4.5 months when it started dying of old age and never got to flower properly:


This is how this sort of plants look like if you move it under 12/12 light after decent veg:

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Im sure something like 14/10 or even 16/8 would had given similar results than 12/12
So... you changed the light schedule to finish. Then you results were on a photo schedule.
So... you changed the light schedule to finish. Then you results were on a photo schedule.

Yep. Semi- means to be half something, like mixture of being and not being, being only partly, i would say that this is about half way flowering without change of light cycle. So yes semi-auto.

I dont understand why this is so hard for you..

Did it not flower to half way automatically?
So... you changed the light schedule to finish. Then you results were on a photo schedule.
Yep. Semi- means to be half something, like mixture of being and not being, being only partly, i would say that this is about half way flowering without change of light cycle. So yes semi-auto.

I dont understand why this is so hard for you..

Did it not flower to half way automatically?

:rofl: ... It's starting to stray a little off topic ... Debate is all good - there's been no name calling (yet haha)

I can see where you're both coming from!!! ^_^

@CannaDaTaBiz - you clearly know your onions and i njoyed the photos and some of your explanations.
@Mcdee - I with you on the semantics and terminology .. for my sanity .. I can an autoflower, a plant that does everything it should (start to finish) under 24 hours light. Anything less than that is photo dependant (although i grow un 20/4 light schedue ... go figure!! :rofl:)

Debate is all cool :D when we're all friends!!

Sorry, thanks for explaining what semi means lol. Why did you change your light schedule? If you change must be a reason, correct? There is no such thing as semi automatic by definition its automatic. Now if you want to say its "like" auto that is a more accurate. Automatic means you dont need to change the light schedule. Why dont you leave the light schedule the same? Grow them at the same light schedule and then show me. You're showing me something you grow like a photo. That means nothing as far as auto evidence.
:rofl: ... It's starting to stray a little off topic ... Debate is all good - there's been no name calling (yet haha)

I can see where you're both coming from!!! ^_^

@CannaDaTaBiz - you clearly know your onions and i njoyed the photos and some of your explanations.
@Mcdee - I with you on the semantics and terminology .. for my sanity .. I can an autoflower, a plant that does everything it should (start to finish) under 24 hours light. Anything less than that is photo dependant (although i grow un 20/4 light schedue ... go figure!! :rofl:)

Debate is all cool :D when we're all friends!!

No, I love @CannaDaTaBiz passion no hate here just want some clarity on sellers/breeders side. You can call it what you want it doesn't matter in the end if you get buds. Just trying to see the other side thinking. It seems so cut and dry to me hahaha. Stay lifted.
Sorry, thanks for explaining what semi means lol. Why did you change your light schedule? If you change must be a reason, correct? There is no such thing as semi automatic by definition its automatic. Now if you want to say its "like" auto that is a more accurate. Automatic means you dont need to change the light schedule. Why dont you leave the light schedule the same? Grow them at the same light schedule and then show me. You're showing me something you grow like a photo. That means nothing as far as auto evidence.

The semi-automatic is just a coined term; it comes from ruderalis (which is automatic) being breed into photoperiods. The intention isn't to create a fully automatic flowering plant, but instead to create a photoperiod with ruderal characteristics. I used to think it was a stupid term too, but then when it was explained how beneficial it is to growers with short growing seasons or crappy climates, it made way more sense (and is actually pretty damn neat!)
:rofl: ... It's starting to stray a little off topic ... Debate is all good - there's been no name calling (yet haha)

I can see where you're both coming from!!! ^_^

@CannaDaTaBiz - you clearly know your onions and i njoyed the photos and some of your explanations.
@Mcdee - I with you on the semantics and terminology .. for my sanity .. I can an autoflower, a plant that does everything it should (start to finish) under 24 hours light. Anything less than that is photo dependant (although i grow un 20/4 light schedue ... go figure!! :rofl:)

Debate is all cool :D when we're all friends!!

I was so stoned i forgot this was about revegging hahahahahahahahahahahah!
Sorry, thanks for explaining what semi means lol. Why did you change your light schedule? If you change must be a reason, correct? There is no such thing as semi automatic by definition its automatic. Now if you want to say its "like" auto that is a more accurate. Automatic means you dont need to change the light schedule. Why dont you leave the light schedule the same? Grow them at the same light schedule and then show me. You're showing me something you grow like a photo. That means nothing as far as auto evidence.

I think there are some possibilities for these "semi-autos". One of them i think you would not agree can be called semi-auto and i think one hypothesis you would say, yes it is semi-auto. I cant be sure which one is true or if something else is true, but these are some hypothesis i have come to over the years.

Ill explain something about pure auto and photo first, so that it all makes sense.

Autos start to produce enough of these flower inducing hormones regardless of light cycle enough for it to both start flowering and continue to flower until its finished.

Photos however dont produce this on their own much, they might make enough to show sex during vegging, but thats about it. However dark time induces production of these hormones and some strains require different amounts of darkness to either start flowering or to continue to develop through different phases of flowering properly and not get stuck on preflower or early flowering phases.

Now when it comes to these semi-autos, it gets trickier, because its a mixture of these, but the starting of flowering and its phases are more like threshold level things.

The thing is that they obviously do produce more of these flowering hormones than regular photos with less darkness, but not enough to hit all the development changes that have higher threshold for being triggered unless you at some point give more hours of darkness.

Is this because the plant automatically starts to produce half the amount of the hormone that causes flowering, so that its enough to start and a bit more, but still requires some darkness to continue developing through the developmental phases?

Or is it because it produces more of the hormone when it does get darkness, therefore being able to produce enough to go through these phases with for example 16/8 lights?

Or is it maybe because these thresholds have been lowered?