Indoor My White Widows. Grow Diary - from Day 66 and onwards.

Dr. Babnik

Virtus ex Alto
Apr 2, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Six Shooter, Black Stone, Stone Dragon, Moroccan and home made hash
White Widows - A Grow Diary starting from Day 66 and Day 62

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I haven't had a thread for my White Widows, Dutch Passion. I have two plants, WW #1 and WW #2.

White Widow #1 has been growing like weed since the beginning. Today she is at Day 66. She has been fed with Hesi TNT as base nutes, supplemented with Sensi CalmagXtra, epsom salt and GHE Urtica. She got TNT a week ago, 3x plain water (she is thirsty!), and Urtica, Hesi SuperVit and CalmagX today. Base nutes she will get Wednesday or Thursday in the comming week. I'm changing to Sensi Grow/Bloom so the plants are on water, pH 6,3 until the new ferts arrive.

Here she is today, WW #1.

WW #2 got a stem damage when I was handling my very first seedlings. The had stretched and tilted over, so I had to tie them all up. My 3 other plants was tied up nicely, WW #2, however, got nicked. I kept her, though she was growing slowly under the 250W cfl. Three weeks ago she had to move out of the tent due to space limitations. She just spent 12 days under pure sunlight at the balcony, which has stimulated her to a great extent and new branches are appearing.

Here she is at Day 53.


And here she is today, Day 62. Happy after sun bathing for 12 days.
I can afford to loose WW #2. So I want to supercrop her.
This is in preparation for my Automazar grow.

So I have to ask what is the proper procedure for supercropping? Any pics I may see?
I need some guidance here, friends.

Look at thes pics. Is this point a good point to crop?

Watched this one. :coffee2:

Going to work! :crying: :muahaha: :tang:

I will not sleep well tonight. I will probably have nightmares as well. :grrr2:

This post is just procrastination. :grrr1:

Updating with pics when the job is done. :amazon:
Day 63 for White Widow #2. Day 1 after supercropping.

WW #2 is a strong lady.

Yesterday she was bendt so seriusly so I could hear tissue break between my fingers. Today, the top shot has bendt itself upwards, wanting to see the sky.

WW #2 from above.

WW #2 bending her neck to see the sky.
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I love it Doctor....HST and Autos!!!!

My first grow was my last real grow. This said, I have grown with shotty equipment before and grew up playing in Cannabis fields. I also started working on a crop farm at age 11. I really struggle not implementing proven High Stress Training techniques, applicable to just about all flowering vegetation because of the "sensitivity" of autoflowers.

I am new to autoflowers, but have read enough to know "genetics have changed since the year 2000 with autoflowers." Personally I am pushing the crap out of defoliation and early defoliation and my gals have responded with HUGE SMILES. We will not know how strong they have become unless we test them.......
FOR THE BRAVE AND BOLD...............:slap:
Thank you, thank you...

Looking at what I did to WW #2 yesterday and how she is doing today suggest the HST Supercropping technique is useful for autos. Also, I gave her food after treatment. See protcol from yesterdays post.