Closet Cannabis GodFather
Jan 24, 2017
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Welcome to all my AFN brotherin & sisters. This journal is more about me coming into my own style as a grower than anything else, so here we go.
To start off here are a couple of pics from last night.
The 6 ladies in the back are approx. 3 weeks old. The 3 gals up front are about 2 weeks old. So from here on out I will refer to the back 6 as group A & the front 3 as group B. In the back left we have Dutch Passions Black Berry Kush(Lucille), back middle is Mephisto Man Bear Alien Pig(MBAP), back right is Mephisto Auto Livers(AL), middle left is Mephisto Sour Livers(SL), middle middle& middle right are both Mephisto Stilton(ST1 & ST2), front left is Short Stuff's Super Blueberry(BB), & front middle & front right are both Mephisto Sour Stomper(SO3 & SO4).
So as far as MY STYLE goes, let's get into it. So 7 of the 9 plants are grown the same way. In every pot I have a solo cup filled with Roots Organic original recipe. If you look close enough you will notice the solo cups are upside down. My theory behind this is that there is no chance for the plant to become root bound before it even gets out of the solo cup. The pots I use are 5 gal fabric pots. The fabric pot sits in a shallow drip pan (external resavoir). The bottom of the fabric pot is filled with perlite up to the rim of the external resavoir (internal resavoir). The rest of the fabric pot is filled with coco coir.
When you put all of this together it is my theory that it kinda turns out like a drip fed DWC. But instead of dripping from the top, the coco & the fabric pot wick the water from the internal & external rez up to the roots. So the roots maintain a great balance of water & oxygen at all times, while only having to water once every 7 days.
Welcome to afn very very nice lil setup I run a different style as well 100%organic living coco coir ,I also do soil ,indoor an out .Lots of great growers have found there niche on here foresure
Have been running Remo's full line of nutrients & additives for this run following the instructions to the T. So far the ladies have loved them. No sign of any defeccencies yet, keeping my fingers crossed.
Have been running Remo's full line of nutrients & additives for this run following the instructions to the T. So far the ladies have loved them. No sign of any defeccencies yet, keeping my fingers crossed.
I only use organic's,an mostly home made ,seen good grows with his products but my style is raw organic.