Outdoor my PAK HOUSE journal 2011

:thread:everything seems to be going well for you and your girls, nice one bro
Lookin good my friend :D
thanks for the comments guys:D

i've got 2litres of each-advanced nutrients 3 part grow micro bloom.
what do you guys think about this nutrient for soil i know its ment for hydroponics but i've also heard good things with soil to.

anyone tried the 3 part in soil before
100% germ rate on all 9 of the AK47 autos

so far spotted 3 male jems out of 7 will be keeping a male for breeding the rest shall be ripped.

going to germ the rest of my auto seeds 15paks left wish me luck.

havent seen my pak breeding project for aweek so hopeing everything is going well or will be ordering a 50 pack:D

not sure if to start up another thread for the AK47 autos or can a mod change my thread to outdoors greenhouse journal.

if you guys wanna see a sep thread for the AK'S let me know otherwise i think i might just do all the strains i'll be growing in this thread.
hey guys as yas know i'm growing outdoors whats the differant time line compared to growing indoors from seed to harvest.

2 of my paks are budding up nicely but my other 2 which look the strongest are not as far along as the other 2 paks.

should i give them a dose of bloom nutes to hurry them along.

can supply pics of plant growth if you's need it
+2-3 weeks on there actual harvest time (not + 2-3 weeks on the breeders info)