Old Reviews My New Plenty Vaporiser

Oct 13, 2012
Reaction score
Hi AFN,Just want to share with u all my new Plenty Vapor,it is as gd as they say it is for sure. Im a great fan of the Vaporiser & this new 1 is the dogs bollacks. It s from the same people who brought us the volcano,now as much as i would love the volcano i just thought £350.00 was a bit Extream for a new smokin tool. Anyway i thought £200.00 for the Plenty was nearer my price range but i had never used a vap wi just the Whip always the balloon so i was a bit concerned wi that,when it arrived all was gd,plenty of instructions & easy to set up. Iv been Vapin Auto Mazar through it & it is great,the temp control is spot on,i like it high,:bong:. You can put a gram in & it wil last u a gd hour wi putin it down for a bit & then bk on it. lol. Iv put a couple of photos up. If any1 is lookin for a vapor,the £200. is worth it. Enjoy..:smokebuds:
Nice one godzilar... I've a volcano.. It's a whitey machine lol.. I've also got 3 magic flight launch boxes for vaping on the go... Vaping is the way to go for me as I quit the tobacco 10 yrs ago... It tastes far better than toxic smoke as well.

Hows the auto mazar mate.. I've one coming down in 2-3 weeks (check sig) Yours was a clinker!!

Kush :smokebuds:
Wow thats a mean looking bit of kit! been looking at vapes myself, never used one for weed but have been trying to switch tobacco smoking for vaping, the touble is i usually have some tobacco in the house for spliffs so i inevitably end up smoking again! A vape for weed would eradicate that problem! where did you purchase it from mate? and could you reccomend any cheaper vapes?
Buzzin dude I was torn between this and the Life Saber but went for the latter lol +rep for the review bro and thanks.
Just wish the company would have made this one portable instead of plug in. But nice new toy my friend thanks for sharing
A nice looking little contraption, didn't fit the surroundings for myself and tend to go toward sleak simple designs, hope she rips that mazar hard for you Bud!

Volcanos are a silly price.

I've got to say, for "ska'd 4 life"'s sake I would lean towards the Life Saber like TJang. Simple and easy to put down. Also there is a great price on them at the moment. I do not have that exact peice but I have a more of a Unit with a base model same brand(Da Buddha) so all I hold is the whip to inhale from

Goodluck with your choice.

Ditch the Baccy Boys! Vape some Greens..:peace:
Yea vapin is the way forward to get rid of the bakkie,i do stil smoke & stil roll them fat but i seem to be doin it at certain times(in my pit lol). I think it would be better cordless but i only use it when im in my self watchin the telly so its perfect. I got it at http://www.vaporizershop.co.uk & there is a large choice. It was a toss up between the Plenty or the Arizer Extream Q. Its comfy to sit with & im not sittin wi a massize balloon. For the price im hopin to cut back on the bakkie & hopfuly save a few quid in the process..Sorted lol :smokebuds:
Yeah mate, saving Bud and any money spent on it is have vaporizers value :) they make your money back fast and who doesn't like feeling healthier while saving money? lol

I was never a daily cig/baccy smoker but one or two on occasion, when it's the persons turn to shout a sesh and they mix, I'm like well we ain't using my vape than. But don't hate on their style, it's all personal preference:shrug:

When I bought my vape it was between 7th Floor Da Buddha and the Arizer Extreme Q. for a Portable vape I think my first choice would be to jump the Arizer Solo.
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Each to their own I suppose.. :bong: Volcanos are expensive yes.. But they are the best on the market.. & as you say they do make their money back... In the end.
Those words are taboo like religion or conspiracies"Best on the market" is in the eye of the beholder. But for a sturdy based unit with whip or bag option I'd love to have a sesh with the extreme vs volcano