My first with Lowes bought products


A wing and a prayer.
Jul 6, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
"Insane in the Membrane"
Let me start by saying that I have looked around a numerous different sites and this one is by far the best I have found. It has the best content and seemingly friendliest folks.

With that said I am a budding entrepreneur and was given 6 plants from a friend. They were about 6 inches tall and he said they wouldn't make it. Challenge accepted!

I know exactly nothing about growing marijuana. I can smoke the dog shit out of it but never have tried my hand at growing. So this is probably gonna be a roller coaster of emotions for us both.

Unfortunately, I didn't have many expectations for saving them so I only got one photo of the saddest looking one, at the time. With two others in the back ground. That photo was a week after I got them and the day before my English Mastiff stepped on a plant and broke it clean at the base.

The only thing I did for the first week was water them. From that alone they perked right up.

At the start of the second week I transplanted them in bigger pots. I used Miracle Grow Performance Organics potting soil. Then I mixed up a very small amount of miracle grow all purpose plant food and put about a 1/4 cup at the base of each plant. I water the plants every 2-3 days.

The plant with the leaves folding up makes me think it got misted with some kind of weed killer before I got it. But I'm not exactly sure what has happened to it. It's been like that since I've had it. The plant has doubled in size, but has obvious hurdles to overcome if I'm gonna keep him around.

One other thing I have been doing is trimming off leaves that turn yellow. It's only been 1-2 from each plant.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. This is my first grow. So I am open to any and all suggestions. Thank you for taking the time to read my thread.


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hey @Bayter and :welcome: to afn! um, first pointer -> NEVER use miracle-gro! :grrr2: it'z made by one of the most evil corporationz on earth & will bring ur girlz NO joy! (and ya, despite the prev sentence, i really am "seemingly friendly" folk :biggrin:)

now, that aside, they could indeed be lookin worse, lol...what part of the world u growin in-? do u have any idea what strain they are-? we'll help as much as we can, but above & beyond, the best tip for the future me can give is def go with organic soil :thumbsup: weed izn't ur normal everyday houseplant & needz tlc, starting with good soil :thumbsup: there are a couple guyz in here who can give way better advice than me to ur situation, like @the green bandit and @Weed Warrior ...i'm sure they'll see this & pipe in, sooooo....

:goodluck: & ppp :pass:

Weed is just that... a weed... it is easy to grow and low maintenance.

Where people usually get into problems is by doing too much and tinkering too much... then they make it much harder on themselves trying to remedy the problems their excessive "love" caused.

Let it be a weed.

Miracle grow works just fine... once every few years I do a blue grit grow just for the lulz.

Big box store bought soil has a good chance of containing bugs, get some yellow stickies.

If you are under LED lights get cal mag.

Don't overwater. Most beginners do. Lift a dry pot of soil and lift your weeds pot, compare weight, you will know by that when they need water.

Enjoy your new addiction

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I am in Oklahoma, U.S. and the strain he called gum. So I only assume Bubblegum. But you know what assuming does.
Weed is just that... a weed... it is easy to grow and low maintenance.

Where people usually get into problems is by doing too much and tinkering too much... then they make it much harder on themselves trying to remedy the problems their excessive "love" caused.

Let it be a weed.

Miracle grow works just fine... once every few years I do a blue grit grow just for the lulz.

Big box store bought soil has a good chance of containing bugs, get some yellow stickies.

If you are under LED lights get cal mag.

Don't overwater. Most beginners do. Lift a dry pot of soil and lift your weeds pot, compare weight, you will know by that when they need water.

Enjoy your new addiction


Thank you for the pointers. It's an outdoor grow. No lights involved other than the big one.
hey @Bayter and :welcome: to afn! um, first pointer -> NEVER use miracle-gro! :grrr2: it'z made by one of the most evil corporationz on earth & will bring ur girlz NO joy! (and ya, despite the prev sentence, i really am "seemingly friendly" folk :biggrin:)

now, that aside, they could indeed be lookin worse, lol...what part of the world u growin in-? do u have any idea what strain they are-? we'll help as much as we can, but above & beyond, the best tip for the future me can give is def go with organic soil :thumbsup: weed izn't ur normal everyday houseplant & needz tlc, starting with good soil :thumbsup: there are a couple guyz in here who can give way better advice than me to ur situation, like @the green bandit and @Weed Warrior ...i'm sure they'll see this & pipe in, sooooo....

:goodluck: & ppp :pass:

^^^^^ never ever ever use miracle grow! Especially when you can get megacrop for free!!!
Let me start by saying that I have looked around a numerous different sites and this one is by far the best I have found. It has the best content and seemingly friendliest folks.

With that said I am a budding entrepreneur and was given 6 plants from a friend. They were about 6 inches tall and he said they wouldn't make it. Challenge accepted!

I know exactly nothing about growing marijuana. I can smoke the dog shit out of it but never have tried my hand at growing. So this is probably gonna be a roller coaster of emotions for us both.

Unfortunately, I didn't have many expectations for saving them so I only got one photo of the saddest looking one, at the time. With two others in the back ground. That photo was a week after I got them and the day before my English Mastiff stepped on a plant and broke it clean at the base.

The only thing I did for the first week was water them. From that alone they perked right up.

At the start of the second week I transplanted them in bigger pots. I used Miracle Grow Performance Organics potting soil. Then I mixed up a very small amount of miracle grow all purpose plant food and put about a 1/4 cup at the base of each plant. I water the plants every 2-3 days.

The plant with the leaves folding up makes me think it got misted with some kind of weed killer before I got it. But I'm not exactly sure what has happened to it. It's been like that since I've had it. The plant has doubled in size, but has obvious hurdles to overcome if I'm gonna keep him around.

One other thing I have been doing is trimming off leaves that turn yellow. It's only been 1-2 from each plant.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. This is my first grow. So I am open to any and all suggestions. Thank you for taking the time to read my thread.
Looking at the pics, (coming from an outdoor grower that started in 1990) when "miracle grow" was pushed and labeled as the new super canna food, I can see from experience and recognize the difference only due to different phenotypes. Back when we used aforementioned poison, the stronger phenotypes would rocket straight up for a short period, while the weak ones as your yellow ones would totally get nute lock. However after the stronger phenotypes would rocket for 6 weeks or so during veg they also would start getting so many deficiencies due to nute lock, ya lucky to get a cola the size of my guitar pick. Trust your own judgment, stay in your budget, but beware tha th miracle crap. Btw welcome to afn growbro!
Free?! Pray tell.
They have free samples, just pay shipping. However I went ahead and bought the bud explosion and the sweet candy (all greenleaf nutrients) you cant go wrong! I spent $40ish and have enough nutes for 3 maybe 4 grows... and i feed heavily
They have free samples, just pay shipping. However I went ahead and bought the bud explosion and the sweet candy (all greenleaf nutrients) you cant go wrong! I spent $40ish and have enough nutes for 3 maybe 4 grows... and i feed heavily
Although you don't have to buy anything, but with the results i am getting, i will never use anything other than the whlle line of greenleaf nutrients