Day 63 update.
Well... they just keep growing, slower than before but still. It's crazy, I was expecting 50cm plants and they're pushing on 120cm and 125cm now. I removed the pump wiring from the room and put it on the outside so I could raise the reflector to the current maximum possible height. A multisocket outlet for those pumps was still lying atop the reflector before.
Then I moved the Adjust-A-Wings from the right more into the center of the room and adjusted it to be broader, straighter and lower. I'm planning to modify the reflector's suspension to gain 5cm. Once that is done and I can put the reflector up against the ceiling of the room I'll add the netting pretty much right below the reflector and bend those plants to my will.
Tomorrow is the start of "bloom" week 4 of a theoretical 4-6, I watered them today at EC 2.2. I'm having huge doubts about that 10-12 weeks seed to harvest timeframe. It seems I messed up a lot of things without noticing or I just got the atomic mutant pheno that grows larger and longer than others. Time will tell if noone else can.
That said though I'm extatic. I've simply never ever had plants with stems that fat, nor have I ever had autos this big - my AutoMazars always maxed out at ~100cm in soil. I've never had autos with anywhere near this much leaf growth, nor have I ever seen that many "real" budsites on single plants of mine before, real as in "should produce at least 1g of dry bud".
They look healthy too, real nice green from top to bottom. I can't find a single yellow leaf. Never had that before either, there were always one or two dying leaves somewhere.
If they show the same enthusiasm for growing bud that they show for growing vertically I think I'm in for a treat (or two). Wish me luck
FYI for pc fan newbies: I usually have a bunch of these lying around in various sizes and speeds, the ones I used were 2 12cm Sharkoon fans with unknown rating that originally had blue LEDs I had to cut off (my guess would be 12V ~0.4A) and 1 Scythe 12cm fan (12V 0.4A). Make sure you don't use ultra silent 0.07A ones or anything like them, they're nice for cooling low power PCs but not 150W+ lamps near plants. Also make sure to have a few cm between the fans and the wall, otherwise they won't be able to move as much air as they could. You can use 1-2 cable ties per screwhole to create and keep some distance to the wall. You can also use cable ties to hang them up like I do.
If you use faster fans (I have a bunch of extra wide Scythe 12cm fans at 12V 0.6A and 133cfm, you do not want to get your finger in there...) you can cool a 600W HPS just fine. I once built a nice Adjust-A-Wings 600W HPS pc fan airducting system using a few metal rods with screwholes in the sides from a CD rack, 1 of those extremely fast and rather audible fans before and after the lamp to move the air, kitchen wrapping foil and ~50cm of ducting. The hot air was blown from behind the lamp to the front inside the see-through ducting I built, then taken up by the 2nd fan and blown out above the reflector, it worked a treat and allowed me to move the lamp closer to the plants and to keep using my beloved Adjust-A-Wings. To replicate this consider building a different lamp socket holder than the one supplied with Adjust-A-Wings reflectors though, I put the original round lamp socket along with the metal parts of the socket holder into my clear airducting system using - you may have guessed it - cable ties. That'll improve airflow a lot. It would also probably be better to have the fan blow onto the lamp from the front instead of from behind.
@insert name here Thanks! Your close ups are below.
I've actually been using PK13/14 for two weeks today and just upped the dosage to 7.5ml/10l... since I've never used it before and am also completely new to hydro I just wasn't sure when to start. Hesi says to start with 2.5ml/10l the first week, then go to 5, 7.5 and 15ml/10l finally. Then flush the last week. So I had to plan 4 weeks of PK13/14 and 1 week of flush so I put that at the end of the 12 week cycle and tomorrow we enter week 10.
So it seems like they will probably not finish on time. Do you have any advice for me? I thought if they were to actually take longer than 12 weeks I'd just keep them on EC 2.2, 15ml/10l PK13/14 until 1 week before they go down, is that ok? Can I go even higher EC wise? Hesi says 2.2 max.
Oh and would you happen to know more about SuperVit btw? I can't help but tinker with things so I've been giving 3 drops per 10l instead of 2 drops for a week or two, is that a bad idea?
EDIT: I just read the updates to your own diary and it seems you're new to PK too so never mind :joint:
I'm not sure how close you wanted those close-ups and the forum software always makes the pics so small so I took a whole bunch of them.