@backwoodsoiho I'd love to believe that but I have to doubt it due to a number of reasons... I'm new to hydro and StarRyders, the space is very small, my lamp wattage is low and I'm not too experienced a grower overall. But if I got anywhere near 100g combined from both I should consider this one a success. Thanks though!
@sqjam In this particular case it took somewhere between 34 and 40 hours for seed #1 and somewhere between 58 and 64 hours for seed #2. If #2 hadn't cracked after 72 hours I'd most likely have thrown it away; and now it's the stronger, bigger plant with the thicker stem. Maybe I should wait until hour 96 instead in the future.
I follow the Cervantes method of germination:
- drop seed in dist. water and let it sit in there for no more than 24 hours; make sure it's dark (use a cup and put something on top of it) and warm (I always set the cup on top of my internet router).
- take a paper towel, fold it until it's something between 4 and 8 layers thick, pour dist. water over it; make sure it's wet and soft to the touch but not soaked, press out some of the dist. water but leave enough to keep a moist, fluffy bed for the seeds
- place the seeds on the paper towel on a small plate and add another paper towel half the thickness of the first one on top of them; press the paper towels into slight contact everywhere but don't press down onto the seeds themselves or the area directly next to them
- put some sort of hood on top of the plate; I use a 25 CD-R spindle cover with a 2cm hole cut into one side; make sure it lets no light through, I put a towel on top
- put the plate/hood assembly on top of a heating mat, an internet router or something like that and keep it nice and moist inside; make sure air can get out but no light can get in; check on the seeds every 3-6 hours and make sure to not let them dry out, but don't keep them soaked either
- keep them in there until they have a rootlet of about 2cm and put them into rockwool, add tap water, put under light etc. etc.
I know you didn't really ask that much but I felt like writing something...