Dutch Passion My first hydro grow: 2 DP StarRyder, GHE Waterfarm, 150W HPS and tons of questions

Looking very nice Keyser, welcome to the forum and the DP section as well, don't know how I am just seeing this thread but it looks VERY nice, I am growing a StarRyder at the moment. I usually count day one as the day I see the green seed leaves coming out of the Rockwool cube, and I transfer as soon as I see a taproot com out of the bottom. The ladies look like they are well cared for, might be a little late to start a Scrog, but a little bit of LST or just "opening" the plant up a little, the one I am growing is getting close to thirty days and it is so tighly packed, yours look like they have started to spread a bit. Hpe you have a great harvest
welcome Keyser, all the best with the grow
Again thanks for the warm welcome guys :smokebuds:

@insert name here: That should explain most of the "delay" in my grow, I'll try to get it right next time. I just went by what Cervantes said, he seems to like to wait rather long before transplanting; I'll give it a try next time and see what works better for me.
As for SCROG, yeah, from what I read it seems a little late but I'll most likely give LST a try. My main problem is that the closet is getting too small (in width and length) for the plants, maybe I should use a single seed next time.
My plants (mostly #2, the one on the left) seem to be growing a bit more vertically now but the jungle-ing is getting worse and worse which - I think - is good. They had a really nice healthy dark green color today after what seemed like a rather slow adjustment day yesterday.
I read through Seymour's StarRyder diary recently and noticed he fed them much less than I do but he didn't seem to be too happy with that particular grow so I'll think I'll stick to my schedule as long as they seem happy which means an EC of about 1.6mS at the moment.

@DutchPassionTony: Thanks, and thanks² for creating such great seeds that I never even considered growing anyone else's!

I am sorry to disappoint as I have not taken new pics yet but I will tomorrow or more likely on Sunday - it's hard sometimes but I try to keep the 4 day pic schedule so I have to wait.
Today I built a very simple 2x 120mm fan cooling solution for the lamp which I'm currently testing; if it works well I could close some distance between lamp and plants; my light measurements today were discouraging, only 16-24k Lux at canopy level so I'll try to get the lamp as low as I can. But first they should stretch a little more as they still stand at around 50 and 45cm; there has been some growth but I only count in increments of 5cm so yeah.
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I finally have some new pics to show. Taken on day 46 from seed, precisely 1 month after the first 3 pics I posted.
I broke my 4 day picture rule but since they drank more I had to water today so I figured I might as well take pics.

The HPS messed up the leaf colors and makes them seem really yellow but I can assure you they aren't; the higher and lower views of both plants and the pic with the red fans illustrate that best - not well but you get the idea.

Everything else seems to be going ok, the plants are pretty bushy and look healthy to me. They make great use of the space I have to offer.
They're just short of 50/55cm now; I have a little trouble finding the top of the plants, they seem pretty much even all across.
More and more soon-to-be bud sites are starting to show up, I can't wait to find out how they score. But still lots of time left. We're in the middle of week 7/10-12 and I'm glad to go longer if I have to.

The only bigger problem I can make out right now is the humidty, Cervantes says 50%RH in flower and I've seen people here say 30-40%RH would be better - and I'm usually above 60 right now.
To fight that I'll install another fan near the plant bases and I hope Winter stops soon or otherwise I might have to get a new dehumidifier, my old one broke and I haven't needed one since.

The lamp is still 30-35cm above the plants, 16-22k lux at the moment; temperatures sank from 26-28°C to 23-25°C due to the new lamp fans so I can hang the lamp lower once I feel they've stretched enough or they start bud production.
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I'm a newb grower and wanna know how many days passed from putting seeds into the water (germinate) till you actually saw any cracking?
@backwoodsoiho I'd love to believe that but I have to doubt it due to a number of reasons... I'm new to hydro and StarRyders, the space is very small, my lamp wattage is low and I'm not too experienced a grower overall. But if I got anywhere near 100g combined from both I should consider this one a success. Thanks though!

@sqjam In this particular case it took somewhere between 34 and 40 hours for seed #1 and somewhere between 58 and 64 hours for seed #2. If #2 hadn't cracked after 72 hours I'd most likely have thrown it away; and now it's the stronger, bigger plant with the thicker stem. Maybe I should wait until hour 96 instead in the future.
I follow the Cervantes method of germination:
- drop seed in dist. water and let it sit in there for no more than 24 hours; make sure it's dark (use a cup and put something on top of it) and warm (I always set the cup on top of my internet router).
- take a paper towel, fold it until it's something between 4 and 8 layers thick, pour dist. water over it; make sure it's wet and soft to the touch but not soaked, press out some of the dist. water but leave enough to keep a moist, fluffy bed for the seeds
- place the seeds on the paper towel on a small plate and add another paper towel half the thickness of the first one on top of them; press the paper towels into slight contact everywhere but don't press down onto the seeds themselves or the area directly next to them
- put some sort of hood on top of the plate; I use a 25 CD-R spindle cover with a 2cm hole cut into one side; make sure it lets no light through, I put a towel on top
- put the plate/hood assembly on top of a heating mat, an internet router or something like that and keep it nice and moist inside; make sure air can get out but no light can get in; check on the seeds every 3-6 hours and make sure to not let them dry out, but don't keep them soaked either
- keep them in there until they have a rootlet of about 2cm and put them into rockwool, add tap water, put under light etc. etc.

I know you didn't really ask that much but I felt like writing something... :toke: