New Grower My first grow

Lost coast plant therapy and Dr zymes can both be used until chop for mildew and fungus. They're basically citric acid based. Sanitize everything and get it dry as a bone before next run :d5:
I’m going to the nursery first thing in the morning to get something comparable if not one of those. My understanding then is that spraying the fungicide will kill the spores and prevent new growth and the bud wash will clean the fungicide and dead spores. Is that correct? And does a cup of lemon juice and a cup of baking soda to 5gal bucket of water sound right? I was then going to double rinse in 2 more buckets of just water.
I’m going to the nursery first thing in the morning to get something comparable if not one of those. My understanding then is that spraying the fungicide will kill the spores and prevent new growth and the bud wash will clean the fungicide and dead spores. Is that correct? And does a cup of lemon juice and a cup of baking soda to 5gal bucket of water sound right? I was then going to double rinse in 2 more buckets of just water.
That's how I understand it. I did 1/4 cup lemon juice and 1/4 cup baking soda in 4 gallons and double rinsed. Distilled water
Journal Day 72
72 and 79 days old

Its been a hectic week dealing with some mildew and a busted AC unit so I haven’t updated my journal. I had to eliminate a few ounces of bud from two plants because I didn’t want any sign of that powdered mildew shit going into my grove bags. Sprayed all plants with Dr. Neem afterwards and will bud wash when I cut. Close inspection shows all trichs milky and cloudy and one plant has maybe 20% amber. I would have cut her already but I had to ensure, for my own peace of mind, that she’s mildew free. Tomorrow morning I’m gonna cut a couple down, maybe more if a second close inspection confirms all milky/cloudy trichs. I’m not in a rush but it’s 90degrees every day now (and I live 1/4 mile from the beach) and if I don’t have the grow light on the drying tent can get to 65 degrees as opposed to 74. Cutting a plant a couple days early feels worth the trade to dry in premium conditions but we’ll see how it goes. I figure I’m using a few oz for baking so I have some leeway.

All that aside, the plants look pretty good. Apologies for crappy pics, iPad camera has no focus or flash options.

Strawberry Nuggets x Skywalker x Samsquanch (2)

Owl Pellets (2)


Strawbba the Hut
Neem is not for flower. Veg only. You're probably gonna taste it in everything... Also might want to add another bucket to your wash since you're probably gonna have a bunch of oil floating on the top. I know it's safe for edibles but haven't found anything about if it's ok for smoking or vaping
Just to be preventative I only sprayed the fans on the 4 unaffected plants (which will be removed before drying) because that’s where it appears first. I got lucky though because I didn’t know it’s for veg only so that’s a great heads up.
Just to be preventative I only sprayed the fans on the 4 unaffected plants (which will be removed before drying) because that’s where it appears first. I got lucky though because I didn’t know it’s for veg only so that’s a great heads up.
Neem is oil so it'll coat the buds and soak in. That's basically why you don't want anything oil based in flower. Can't really get oil off and out without soap and can't use soap to wash... It's also super stinky and potent. Most of the stuff that's ok for flower is citric acid based and it'll kinda form a quasi "crust", microscopically, on everything but can be washed off with agitation. If you're set on using Neem I'd spray it on a paper towel and wipe the leaves with that :pass: