New Grower My first grow

Day 14,

I checked on them last night and they looked absolutely great!

They're a bit tired now ready for their 4 hrs sleep


At the moment I have them under 1 600w light, when do you think it will be best to switch to 2?

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Looking Great Jimman - Off to a flyer :)

When was last watering and when is the next?
I would say that if the pot is heavy, you could leave it a few days to make those roots go on a search and water when the pot is light.

I imagine the down droop on a couple of the photos could be a natural tiredness, but could also be a tiny sign of overwater - not a problem and easy to sort! If they look happy . they usually are :) (and they do!)


At the moment I have them under 1 600w light, when do you think it will be best to switch to 2?

Day 30-40 or at about 18 inches i would say. I usually kick into full power around day 30-40.
:coffee2: Aloha Jimmann~
Good morning to you and... your ladies! They do look wonderful today but, shhhhh, they are needing some sleep so...
while we're waiting puff puff pass~:Sharing One:

hope you have an excellent day
:gthumb:Seems like you're off to a good start. Either that, or I was off to a terrible start :help:. I'd wish you :goodluck: but you don't seem to need it. Can't wait to see your harvest !
Looking Great Jimman - Off to a flyer :)

When was last watering and when is the next?
I would say that if the pot is heavy, you could leave it a few days to make those roots go on a search and water when the pot is light.

I imagine the down droop on a couple of the photos could be a natural tiredness, but could also be a tiny sign of overwater - not a problem and easy to sort! If they look happy . they usually are :) (and they do!)


Day 30-40 or at about 18 inches i would say. I usually kick into full power around day 30-40.

Hi Blue!

I haven't watered them since saturday, the pots still have a bit of weight in them so I think they will be good til next saturday.
I checked in on them last night and they were pointing up so I think they're tired as you say.

I'm starting to understand that these plants show their feelings

Hi Hapa!

Yes, they have been working hard!


I hope you have a good day also!

:gthumb:Seems like you're off to a good start. Either that, or I was off to a terrible start :help:. I'd wish you :goodluck: but you don't seem to need it. Can't wait to see your harvest !

Hi CappY!

Yes it seems I am! Although I feel like i've aged a few years with worry lol

I'm going to have a read of your thread with my coffee :goodluck:

Hi Jimm

My outtake fan is the only thing i leave on for 24 hours. (mainly due to convenience that my relay timer only has 3 plugs Light, Movement Fan and Tube Heater)

That's always worked well for me. I guess you have more plants and a bigger space, so perhaps come flowering you should check the lights off humdity (after a couple of hours) - If it's really high 70+ I'd get a movement fan on 24 hours aswell to keep airflow good and help keep the bud rot away!