Green Monkey
Just about to sit down and try my first crop, grown in my greenhouse. It's a Flying skunk from AC genectics, and I cut down last week but only the central stalk- I left the side and lower stalks as they were not finished (probably shaded by the centre stalk) and I continue to feed with good old miracle grow so the buds are getting nice and fat. I've had no problems with this plant except a little leaf mould but that was rectified by leaving the doors open during daytime for good airflow. Have had a bit of a battle with some slugs eating my ex- hydro babies but sorted that by going out at night with a torch and getting the little fuckers and putting them in salt, that'll teach them to eat my weed man!
So enough talk , time to vape, I'll keep you posted Green Monkey
So enough talk , time to vape, I'll keep you posted Green Monkey