New Grower My first autos

I found some water named Zen - alkaline ionized water ph 7.2 recommended for all kind if health issues. Looks like normal water, maybe this will solve my problem.
I must apologize for some bad information that I wrote in post 23. Due to an obvious senior moment, I mistakenly used the word chloride instead of chloramine. I have corrected this error so as not to misinform future readers. My apologies to those I have already misinformed.
No worries, I can't tell what is what. Cl is Cl, other are unknown substances.. lol
Apparently every water I check has the ph 8.4. So the biggest chance is that the ph meter is kaput. I'll calibrate today.
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Hi again! My baby's are on the first day above ground, I water with Di water ph 7.5, couldn't find anything with lower ph but today I'll go search some stores. I'll upload some pics when the internet company comes to install my connection.
Soooo still no internet connection at home. Allmost 2015 and no internet. In 2016 I'll probably live in a frikin cave... But enough about that.
My flowers are doing ok, first 2 days were in vain cause the light was to far (80 cm) from the pots and it was set only on 90ish w instead of all 190. Found a source of water with ph of 7.4, so happy about that. I am on day 6 and all is ok so far. I'm no expert obviously but imo the a51 xgs 190 is for vegging, I think it's to low for flower. When they go in flower I'll add a 400w HPS.
F..k iphone and uploading pictures and internet
aperson..I have put a High Team Help icon on your thread..:tiphat:..see if I can get someone to give you a hand with your problems..until you get used to site.

They are great..