New Grower My first Auto grow

Day 66
Jan 18
Watered all plants 1 qt pH adjusted to pH 6.3. Plants look good not ready yet maybe 2 more weeks? I'll let the trichromes tell me when.
68F 50% RH ~650 PPFD.

Well! Surgery didn't slow you or your plants down. Looking very nice and nearly done.
My poor wife is a trooper I can't pickup over 5 lbs about 0.6 gal so she's been doing a ton helping out ! Of course she loves the product especially gummies and pain cream
Well, tell her excellent work! Hahaha

Pain cream? Do tell.
It's a simple mix my friend showed me strictly topical Decarbed 7.5 g critical poison fast and 7.5 g of CBD flower separately in ardent FX (different temps). Combined and infused into 1 cup coconut oil. Filtered thru cheese cloth, added 800 mg of vit E. Refrigerate till solid. Then I cut off a chunk about the size of of 1/8 to 1/4 cup at a time and keep that at room temp. Just rub it on.
You can wash it and add mint to make it smell less like pot I suppose. I actually like the smell lol.
My wife took a serious header skiing her knee was killing her like 2 days later. She swears the difference was night and day. I've used similar stuff my buddy used to sell for pulled muscles back pain it helped a lot.
The trick my buddy used to swear is half thc half cbd.
I keep what I'm not using in the frig cause I don't add any preservative (some claim the vit E helps I couldn't say)
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Day 75
Jan 27
Watered plants a combination of rain water , spring water and tap (carbon filtered) 50 ppm pH6.5. used new pump canister plants slowing down only required 0.5 Gal each. 68F 50% RH. Pretty sure they'll be done in a week and ready to cut.