New Grower My first Auto grow

That Burple makes it hard to diagnosis can we get the plant under normal 5000k lighting? But if it were me and I fed then the problem arose I would assume it was the feeding that caused the issue.. I have limited experience with SC added that and BE then I had issues but lots of peeps use it with good results :shrug: ... I personally was a fan of 3g 1 part with added .5-1g Epsom and little calmag but I was in coco I needed it
(Images of plants in previous post)
I also have this never opened especially after read the whole put the cal mag on the highest shelf and don't touch it (due to possible nutrient.lock out) here lol.
It does have directions as a folar spray which if I understand correctly will not create nutrient lock out so it's possible to try that??


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So this might give a better view here's 3 different plants.
Of interest last week there was nothing beyond the burnt leaf tips (over fertilized).
1 So last week I fed no fertilizer (upon seeing the leaf tips) and instead used just water....
2 This week I started seeing the leafs yellowing between the veins , only a few plants and only the lower most leafs
3 today a fed at 3/4 strength MC 1 part which has Cal and Mag in it and today was the very first time I added Sweet Candy. Roughly following another's grow / nutrient schedule but not exact...
4 of interest it's only the 3 plants at the front door of the tent where my air intake hose vent is and these were a fair amount dryer than the back 3 which held more moisture...???
Plant 1
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Plant 2
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Weird how that leafs growing upside down???
Plant 3
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Mega crop 1 part analysis (which I think they claim is all you need??)
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So Ive added zero cal mag at this point??
(Images of plants in previous post)
I also have this never opened especially after read the whole put the cal mag on the highest shelf and don't touch it (due to possible nutrient.lock out) here lol.
It does have directions as a folar spray which if I understand correctly will not create nutrient lock out so it's possible to try that??

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I personally would not after seeing your plants out in the light they are borderline N toxic I think.. So adding anything with N is not a good idea IMO getting above my pay grade here... I have only ever foliar feed couple times and it was only kelp, fulvic, and yucca... Did you see what MOG said about using gypsum as a source of calcium?
I personally would not after seeing your plants out in the light they are borderline N toxic I think.. So adding anything with N is not a good idea IMO getting above my pay grade here... I have only ever foliar feed couple times and it was only kelp, fulvic, and yucca... Did you see what MOG said about using gypsum as a source of calcium?
I agree I think my N is or at least was borderline toxic and it's probably a good idea not to introduce more!
I did see what MOG posted about gypsum (which sense since it's calcium sulfate) and I can lay my hand on Magsulfate as well.

I do have Epsom salts but the one I've got stinks of menthol and says in big letters do not eat lol. I'm thinking maybe it's a good idea not to put this one on my plants hahaha
I agree I think my N is or at least was borderline toxic and it's probably a good idea not to introduce more!
I did see what MOG posted about gypsum (which sense since it's calcium sulfate) and I can lay my hand on Magsulfate as well.

I do have Epsom salts but the one I've got stinks of menthol and says in big letters do not eat lol. I'm thinking maybe it's a good idea not to put this one on my plants hahaha
Yeah I wouldn't if it smells like that :shrug: i use Raw b-vit or dr.teals Epsom I believe as long as it doesn't have any added fragrances you should be fine.. I picked this up at the local pharmacy when I first started and has lasted for ever

Yeah I wouldn't if it smells like that :shrug: i use Raw b-vit or dr.teals Epsom I believe as long as it doesn't have any added fragrances you should be fine.. I picked this up at the local pharmacy when I first started and has lasted for ever

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Hahaha I have Dr teal's what out me off was the menthol and lemon grass fragrance lol
Based on the way it looks plus it's the bottom leaves I kinda think it a Mg deficiency as opposed to Ca but I'm really green at trying to diagnose stuff
Hahaha I have Dr teal's what out me off was the menthol and lemon grass fragrance lol
Based on the way it looks plus it's the bottom leaves I kinda think it a Mg deficiency as opposed to Ca but I'm really green at trying to diagnose stuff
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Thanks for the reps but I would be looking at lockout which I think that could look like K deficiency yellowing and brown tips and edges too much N locks out K :thumbsup:but I am very green at diagnosing also:d5:

Day 55
Jan 7
Plants growing well with some at like 36" and others around 26".
Interesting that the 2 shorter ones the buds are just way fuller more dense.
No clue if I stunted them a bit or if it's genetic variation???
Still seeing issues with the bottom most leaves. Trying to not rush and do a bunch of stuff at once while hoping to diagnose and fix it.
Plants were definitely ready for watering may need to start thinking about more frequent watering though definitely don't want to over water them either.

Fertilized today MC 2.5 g/gal (leaves still v dark green) , SC 1.5g/gal (increasing stepwise), CM 3mL/ gal.
Cal Mag (Mendocino cause it has no added N). I'm hoping the Cal Mag address what I feel is a deficiency .
Now the bottle says Coco and soil less mixes. Promix calls this a potting mix (with dolomite lime) so I'm gonna treat it as such.
The bottle called for 5 to 8 mL/gal. I'm adding 3 for now.

Also using rain water cause I have no clue what ions or how many are in my tap water. TDS meter says my tap water is like 265 ppm.

So the rain water (4 PPM, pH ~5) is to be try to eliminate the possibility I could be getting lock out due to the tap water.
Ended up needing 4 mL/gal of GH pH up (Kcarb) to get me to a final pH of 6.3 (with all nutrient already added).
Gotta say the pH meter made things way easier.
PPFD ~650, 70F, 55%RH.
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Did you add the .5 gram of epsom salt to the MC 1 part?
Hey sorry no idea how I missed this post!!!
No I didn't but at this point Ive added Cal Mag so I'm gonna wait and hope it fixed what's going on??? And I'm gonna go out on a limb and say if the Cal Mag fixes this then probably if I did add the 0.5 g of epsom salt that might have fixed it right there!
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Day 59
Jan 11th
Off hospital tomorrow YAA final gonna fix this BS!!!!! Even my wife's complaining we're not riding!
Watered everything 1 Qt. Rain water pHd to 6.4...
Premixed all fertilizers MC SC and CM then added pH up to hit pH 6.3. So that when I'm ready to fertilize it's all set me in recuperation mode by then lol.
See ya in the flip side when I get out!!!
70F 55%RH ~ 650 PPFD
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Day 63
Jan 15
Watered my plants today. Well to be completely honest my wife did lol I'm in recovery mode but feeling great!!!!
No more sciatica it's hard to put into words just how happy that is!!!
I think my issue is resolved with the plants.
Now tbh it could have been my water, it could have been lock out due to too much N, it could have been lack of Cal Mag or it could have been under watering...

The truth is I just don't know. I have switched to rain water and pH it up to 6.3 after addition of fertilizers.
Added MC-1 2.5g/gal, SC 1.5 g/gal Cal Mag 3mL/gal (0.5 strength) and pH up 4 mL/gal.
No more Cal Mag will be added unless issue returns There's a lot of warnings here about serious over use of CalMag tbh even my local grow store (I prefer to give my business to a local shop ) is telling me oh add it every time :nono:.
Anyways Buds are really fattening up nice nice! I think the stretch is over. 70F 55%RH ~650.PPFD.
Hats off to everyone here I've never had an indoor grow look so good and never never the few times I tried autos did they look anything like this!!!
