New Grower My first Auto grow


Hold my beer and watch this!
Cultivators Club
Nov 19, 2022
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This is a thread on my first time dedicated to growing autos! This will be a run of 6 seeds all ak47 auto fems. I wanted to try sativa's as autos since around here outdoor grows that go long are difficult with our really wet fall weather.
Dropped seeds
Nov 9..
Dropped my seeds into glass water (1 part H2O2 to 5 parts water) soaked for 12 hours then xferred to damp paper towels folded insides zip lock baggie partially closed. This was then placed inside a propagator with
1. 17 watt Ferry Morse heating pad beneath
2 controlled by a Johnson A419 controller set to 75F
Germinated day 1
Nov 14
All 6 seeds have germinated. Still in propagator under small 30 watt strip led I find convenient for starting seedlings. For reference I'll call this day one since they germinated. Not sure if this is how most people track thier grow?
Transplant day 5
Nov 18
Lights at ~ 300 PPFD. Seeding reach top of cups no sign of stretching. Note roots had just barely reached bottom of keg cup.
Transplanted to 3 gal grow bags filled with promix premium potting mix. Potting mix pre wetted 12 hrs b4 transplant and allowed to drain. Seedling placed into 4x4 grow tent 300 PPFD. Added mosquito bits as a precaution. Lighting set to 20/4 temp 73 RH 40%
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Day 14
Nov 27
Still concerned about the lack of added nutrients in the promix. However out of concern for over adding nutrients I decided to top dress with worm castings. So 6 tsp of EWC/ plant and watered in with 16 oz H2O. 300 PPFD 78F, RH 58%. Starting to see condensation building up in tent. Tent is in basement with current ambient temp around 65. Note if I turn fan on condensation stops but even at it's lowest setting the RH drops to about 40%
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Nov 27
Still concerned about the lack of added nutrients in the promix. However out of concern for over adding nutrients I decided to top dress with worm castings. So 6 tsp of EWC/ plant and watered in with 16 oz H2O. 300 PPFD 78F, RH 58%. Starting to see condensation building up in yrnt. Tent is in basement with current ambient temp around 65. Note if I turn fan in condensation stops but even at it's lowest setting the RH drops to about 40%View attachment 1547025
Those are looking great! Keep up the good work man
Day 16
Nov 29
Plants seemed to absolutely love the EWC. Nice color, zero indication of nute burn.
Things I would do different next time.
1. Fill grow bags to the top
2. Use a known soil with respect to added nutes.
3. Possibly amend soil with perlite to improve drainage
Nov 29
Plants seemed to absolutely love the EWC. Nice color, zero indication of nute burn.
Things I would do different next time.
1. Fill grow bags to the top
2. Use a known soil with respect to added nutes.
3. Possibly amend soil with perlite to improve drainage
View attachment 1547040
I've been struggling with growing in soil since the beginning....I gave up and switched to a 4/1 perlite/vermiculite hempy style grow. I won't go back now I think. Fox Farms 3 part nutes, or Jack's, whatever you give it, I just ph to 6.1, water every few days and im done trying to re-invent the wheel. That's a Fast buds Zkittles at day 38 - and let me tell you, she started out ROUGH.....still bounced back in the hempy.
