Indoor My Auto Berry Ryder Indoor LED Soil Grow (Week 5-6)

There's a pretty good reason why AFN is the first thing I check in the morning...

Update: She's really starting to fatten up. I've corrected the PH issues and will resume feeding schedule in a day or two!


shes gonna be a great yeild, you pushing the bloom hard with normal feed and foilar?

No, unfortunately. My feeding schedule is JACKED. She is burnt or the PH is too low so I"m cleansing with balanced water. I'm going to sledgehammer her when the soil dries up and try to get back on heavy Tiger Bloom slowly... Luckily its beginning of week 8.

However, I Have upped the CFL wattage from 2x23 to 1x125 and 1x23, so I'm hitting places she didn't know she had (hehehe)
is she burnt? during budding the plants draw from the leaves to feed the budding, it could just be that?
im no expert but im sure someone around this site will have a fair idea
Her top cola tips are burnt and curled upwards but the color is becoming better with balanced pure water. I may have over-foliated fertilized her...she responded well and maybe i got carried away, but I don't think I'm in a bad situation. It hasn't spread and I believe a mild flush with sledgehammer and balanced water will restore order and put her back on track!

Here's pics of the new setup.

I Have the new fan angled off of the tent so it's creating really good circulation. I Have multiple points that i monitor the temp and its the first time they are all evening out and aligning which is pretty cool.

Thank you all for everything so far, I love this place! I have vastly grown and increased my knowledge with this board's help!

Also, +Rep to Gradolabs for catching an obvious mistake before it burnt up my fan motor lol! Thanks all!


Also, as a testament to how badass you guys are, here is the BEFORE AFN set up pic :D


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once she reaches the end and really fattens up I bet you will shed tears of pride and joy