As promised a few pics at the ol' midweek watering hole. Watered tonite with 10ml Budcandy/6 liters water 1 liter each. 3 days between each water is stretchin it with the heat we're still dealing with,they be mighty thirsty,may have to bump them up to 1 1/2 liters each next go round.No baby pics of Group B Medusas and Duurty Dragons until the next water and by then i should have them tiered into their 1 gallon smartpots.The one pic of the green speck is a Bad Betty thats decided to be my problem child at 9 days old. She germed hard and sprouted late,the cotydons turned black and her 1st 2 real seed leaves stuck to the cotydons and died. Her stem stayed bright green so decided to see what it would do with a shot of myco madness-somehow this little runt produced another very tiny set of seed leaves and there's a 2nd set coming up in between them-its so small my camera wouldn't focus right so thats the best i can do until it gets a little bigger. Just don't have the heart to pinch it off,now i'm curious to see what it does lol.