:dance:Here it is day 14 for my try at f2 production of my Medusas Fruit. They got their first feeding of An Sensi Grow A+B 4ml each and 1 tsp.humboldts myco madness to 1 gallon distilled water. All plants received 1 liter per 1 gallon tiered pot of promix bx and sucked it up like champs. Got the T5 lights set 6" over plant tops,a little higher then i usually have them but the temps are running a little high right now to keep lights at 2" above. They should start showing sex in another 4-5 days and hoping for a good mix for breeding purposes. I have an inherited Medusa male in seclusion under cfl lights and been collecting a little pollen from him so far,he's stretched out to 23" and smelling like a mango if he gets rubbed a little so he's definately in my breeding plan. Germed another batch of 10 Medusas Fruit seeds and ended up with 8 new sprouts which are 2 days old and residing on the 2nd tier of the cab,these are my backup gang just in case the 1st f2 breeding round goes sour. Decided to throw a different strain in the mix so popped 5 Duurty Dragons in the soak and ended with 4 sprouts above dirt and the last 1 is just starting to peek thru so the Duurtys were 100% success on germin and sproutin-YAAAAY Mossy!! Got 5 more Bad Bettys under dirt and patiently waiting for their appearance-hoping they show themselves. Currently grow cab #2 is under construction and will measure 20" x 5 feet x 6 foot tall. Got a new 4 bulb 4foot T5 light on its way along with another sunleaves windtunnel 4" inline fan(awesome fan and super quiet!),phresh carbon filter and phresh duct muffler. Got my diamond foil hung and all my holes precut and ready to roll when everything gets here should be some quick assembly and a new grow chamber is born.
Next update will be in a few days and hopefully a few pics of the new cab thrown in there!