Indoor Mr. Nicesmokes Bad Bettys and Fullautos Medusas Fruit Test Runs

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Glad to have you along Redeye and L3ver! With a group like this watchin this better be a good one!
count me in dude!!!
Patiently waiting for little greenheads to poke out into their new world! Welcome aboard Mr. Piggy and little t!
My apologies to all who subbed into my thread here expectin to see some progress and plantporn,i been havin some technical difficulties with germin i'm embarrassed to say and things took way longer then expected to get rollin. The badbetty seeds i had soaked and cracked never sprouted and alot of my medusas fruit cracked seed never sprouted as well. After conferring with some of my bros here,i think we found the problem in the seedstarter mix-unfortunately after i had blown thru ALOT of seed with no sprouts. I use jiffy seedstarter mix with great success and had grabbed an open bag that had been sitting around since midwinter-somehow it had become contaminated and nothin would sprout when placed into it. I take that back-2 sprouts came out and died within 24 hours and they were sickly lookin when they did sprout. After blowin thru 50 medusas fruit seed and 10 badbettys before finding the problem we're now back in the game finally. I soaked 10 more medusas fruit and got 10 outta 10 to crack-7 of which sprouted when planted in promix bx.All seedlings are now 7 days old and are the brightest,healthiest green i've yet to see in any seeds i've germed and sprouted. I also inherited a medusas fruit male from a friend whom i gave 3 seeds to play with,he got 1 male,1 female and 1 undetermined runt out of 3seeds and gave the male whos is 20 days old back to me as he wasn't interested in breeding for seed. Unfortunately he started all in miracle growand we all know how the time release nutes in that stuff work on autos.I've since tiered him into a 1 gallon pot of promix bx and gave him a light shot of ff nutes as he was in need of a little food.He appears to be a good canidate for pollen and is loaded with pollen sacs-had to be tough to survive the miracle gro lol. Anyhow,thats the scoop so far,will try some pics of the youg'uns tonite on this damn new laptop if i can figure it out! Thanks for bearin with me,i promise regular updates to come now that things have smoothed out.
No need to apologize! It happens to the best of us equally. Important thing you guys are back on track! Welcome back :)
Thank you kindly Hugo! I tell ya i was really gettin frustrated and nervous as the medusas fruit f1 seedsupply is gettin low and i need to get an f2 run done. Many thanks to my bros WVR and Joe Dirt for finding the problem in my seedstarter mix,it is much appreciated help and something i would have never thought of. You learn somethin new everyday,especially in this game!
As promised here's a few baby pics of the medusas fruit sprouts! Not much to look at yet but it won't be long till their bustin outta the crib and drinkin the nutes right outta the bottle lol.


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looking awesome brotha!!...nothing but good vibes sent your way man!!..:D..:smokebuds:
looking awesome brotha!!...nothing but good vibes sent your way man!!..:D..:smokebuds:
Thanks my friend,i need all the good vibes i can get! i've had more then my share of troubles and i'm ready to get movin here. Just in case anyones wonderin the big #7 Medusa male i inherited from a friend is in the rubbermaid growchamber and i didn't feel like bustin him out for pics tonight-next update he'll make an appearance.