Dutch Passion Mr ganjamotos Holographic Hydroponicum

Tut tut tut Royal BLUE*... you should know by now the Kings surname is special and has a lower case g.... attention to detail my dear friend....

Ahh, my apologies - i keep forgetting ... It's like the lower case g in "burger King" :p


^ My Angry Face!

The price...

Bahh haha - .... Like i told you before Mr Jorilla - you get what you pay for ... don't go all cheap on us! :p

Yeah - i don't get it! Maybe people don't realise that those are full sized bottles and not the little tester ones. Maybe a squirrel would help put the scale in perspective


Look this ones face - he wants you to stay away from his nuts!

Ahh, my apologies - i keep forgetting ... It's like the lower case g in "burger King" :p


^ My Angry Face!

Bahh haha - .... Like i told you before Mr Jorilla - you get what you pay for ... don't go all cheap on us! :p

Yeah - i don't get it! Maybe people don't realise that those are full sized bottles and not the little tester ones. Maybe a squirrel would help put the scale in perspective


Look this ones face - he wants you to stay away from his nuts!

Blue you sure do have a way about you. I will nominate MR gangamoto today for BOM/POM
Would the king Kindly present another photo for bom/pom nom. A picture of the whole princess in her royal bucket and in all her glory
Bahh haha - .... Like i told you before Mr Jorilla - you get what you pay for ... don't go all cheap on us! :p

Ohhh... oh... oh... Royal BLUE*... (mmmmolasses) the King merely pointed out that the coinage required to acquire the aforementioned disco lights had changed and was not grumbling at the INVESTMENT of coinage required... the disco lights are indeed an EXCELLENT INVESTMENT (especially for the Brethren of Alba who are thrifty of the pennies for the cost of the magical leccy) and not a cost... the INVESTMENT will be rewarded by the goddess Canna sending her children to thrive to abundance whilst dancing in the glow of the disco light grow party...

Yeah - i don't get it! Maybe people don't realise that those are full sized bottles and not the little tester ones. Maybe a squirrel would help put the scale in perspective

Or maybe they cannot comprehend the possibility of such ginormous Princesses...


Look this ones face - he wants you to stay away from his nuts!


and the King would like the squirrel to extend the courtesy of likewise to the Kings....

Though following the former advice bestowed by your good self with regards a certain pest problem...

Picture 007.jpg

I think i can identify your pest problem as a minor squirrel infestation. Usually I'd recommend neem oil, but in a late developement case such as the one Ezmarelda is exhibiting (see the developed fur & ripe berry!? Thats a tell tale sign), i would use a small bat or club. I think an application of three to four swipes should do it.

The squirrels generally stay away from the Kings ganjery and would require Rod Hull and Emu type wrestling to get one to enter...
Ha ha!
Thats very funny indeed.
That bom/nom picture looks like a winner if there ever was one.