More then a couple spread out grows

Yea I gave my autos one week of feeding I actually let it grow without feeding them in roots organic 707 in 3 gal and 2 gal the taller one is in a 2 gal and I regret it because the other one grows nice and stiff in the 3 gal and the next one to it she’s pretty healthy in the 3 gal I shouldn’t settle for less the leaves got burnt on the taller one because the buds were all over the place but thank you for your comment!
My advice would be not feeding them at all until flowering if you're using good soil. And by good soil I mean soil that has some compost, peat moss, perlite and you'll be good for at least the first 2-3 weeks.
I would leave feeding the plants in the early stages to experienced growers as many new growers try to start feeding their plants as soon as possible and most of the time do more harm than good.
Oh and by the way I'm by no means experienced myself, I've just seen a lot of plants suffering from nutrients. :)
Good luck broski!
Yeah I appreciate chu and your comments, I never really wanted to feed the plants I just wanted to experiment after awhile as I kept growing to see what a plant liked and what they didn’t so I can learn more, I noticed it took more harm then anything else, the roots organic 707 is a mix of perlite and other soil nutrients the plants need. The first ever breeding I ever did with these two lights I got over a hundred seeds from one female and it was worth it tbh.... but I still think other soils or DIY would be extremely better so you kno exactly what your putting into the soil and the mixing your doing and so forth.... I don’t want to burn my plants at all, but it’s better to experience it now and keep taking notes while I’m still young so I’ll be more experienced in the future... thank you I also believe that autos have so much potential seriously... especially with flavor .... and terps.... I wouldn’t even wanna stress my plants out tho at all lol .. jus keep it “praising the sun” with all natural components from the soil and no chemicals only natural nutrients save for our ladies!
Big update I had to cut them down after the start of 11th week because it was a total disaster grow, grown in roots organic, only one feeding one time put the new lights in, after cutting down and starting the drying phase waited a lil more for the fatter one that wasn’t so tall, trying to fix my fucc ups, my humidity where I live is 30% so I put out a dehumidifier and tried to keep the moisture at 55-60 and it’s relatively 70 degrees in the room where they were drying, I did take the fan leaves off and removed them before the dry I’m not sure if any of you guys do that, then cut em down after 4-5 day marker since it’s so dry and I have a fan blowing air and sometimes I could see the buds being pushed by the air so I knew they prolly dried out a lot faster, I trimmed them jarred them and put a hygrometer in each one had 4 jars in total and about close to 15 grams of trim sugar leaves etc.... I’m not perfect but I’m learning everyday and I kno it’s pain in the ass trimming and I would have a type of grassy smell sometimes I dried the trim out going to try to decarb it and make sum thc syrup and try the rest for some low potent edibles even the leaves were covered mostly all shiny with trichomes but there prolly low potency since this whole harvest was just me stressing ladies more and more felt bad for them, took out one of the ladies and put her outside she didn’t like the cold weather co is bipolar it was 34 degrees outside and then it just snowed but she’s standing tall like a stallion I feel bad I jus let a female die and she was just starting to flower and felt the nice sunshine for a day or two before it snowed. Temps I like to stay in while growing 75-80 degrees it fluctuates, 70% humidity for babies then drop it down to 55 slowly overtime on a schedule and then drop it lower take the humidifier out and put the dehumidifier to take all that moisture in and lower it down to 45 to 35 around there and it looks like it does well for itself cheap products get cheap results I know that for sure I regret sum decisions but I’m Ridin this wave trying to get more dense buds keep a good range on the temps stay in tact and make sure it’s not too dry in the tent and the new light I have really shown me it’s strong it burnt the plant almost all around I had to raise it and I’m going to try better results next time, I appreciate everyone who gave me advice I was looking for it, negative advice positive advice whatever to help me to stop being an idiot and get to farming the right way. Thank god for y’all and hope and pray you guys get fatter buds throughout the years. God bless you


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I did as much as research as I could, pushed myself to the big finish and tried to keep everything flowing and not over dry kill or stress the lady out more because I want to salvage this op and get to the next thing, more dense, more light, and better methods and better growth, she came out looking airy a bit too much and dried super quicc also because they were mostly popcorn buds at most but I did what I could and I hope to do better and better years to come. Cheers folkz