Grow Room Moonijuana 3: Blue Dream Auto (Humboldt Seed Organization) Organic Grow

Not much to do at the moment but get more seeds (winning the BOM would solve that ) but we'll see.

I did find an old, OLD handful of seeds from my street-weed smoking days, and one of them germed! I'm doing the grow here:

It'll be my next journal, and almost certainly my first photoperiod plant. We'll see how it turns out, but I'm going to run the lighting initially as though it's a photo. Can't wait to see what it turns out to be!
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Thanks! Going with one plant is a clear winner here; not as big a surplus over the old grow, but it was significant.

Just finished a preliminary tasting of the mostly-dried, nearly-cure ready bud. DAMN. It's the blue dream smoke I remember, but the flavors are even better. It's hard for me to completely describe at the moment, I'll give a couple more tastes to figure that out first. Either way, it's an incredibly potent high, very long-lasting high.
Glad to hear that smoke is doing you right, BTW as of now you are tied for 1st in the BOM!!!!!! Nubs are crossed tight! Looks like the rep gods have been good to you, you totally deserve it!!! Still cant get over that harvest. Now you have me considering a micro grow... I do have an old server tower just taking up space, hmmmm... Doubt I could achieve these results however.

If your reading this don't forget to cast a vote in the BOM Competition!
Glad to hear that smoke is doing you right, BTW as of now you are tied for 1st in the BOM!!!!!! Nubs are crossed tight! Looks like the rep gods have been good to you, you totally deserve it!!! Still cant get over that harvest. Now you have me considering a micro grow... I do have an old server tower just taking up space, hmmmm... Doubt I could achieve these results however.

If your reading this don't forget to cast a vote in the BOM Competition!

Thanks man, much appreciated! :smoking:

Don't say it can't be done, man. I joined here less than a year ago, only on my third grow. True, I've worked hard to build my box and mix my soil, but all my knowledge comes from here on AFN, and the people here that have helped me along the way. I literally never did any of this before I joined AFN, and I got to this level with the community's help. They'll be there for you too, and I bet you'll surprise yourself at what you accomplish if you really go for it.
Thanks for that vote of confidence. Man I'm bummed it was close, but 2nd place in the BOM on your third grow is pretty spectacular in it's own right. I know your short on beans, have you looked at Pyramid seeds? 5 fem beans for $25 from Herbies isn't to bad, if I could I'd give you one of my Short Rider seeds. Best of luck with that mystery seed brother.
DAY 65

Welcome to the start of Week 10! Some good things to see and talk about. First thing's first though, let's see the girl:

Top view:

Side view:

Some Buds:


Remember that cola a couple pics back where I exposed her to light and the lower end was catching up? He's another shot of her with a darkening base, noticeably darker than the bright green from before:

She's starting to shed the odd fan leaf, but it's early yet. She's vibrantly green overall, and is losing leaves one by one without fading. She's easily got a week left in her yet. She won't make it to day 77 I don't think, but I honestly don't know for sure. This week I'll start chilling her rainwater and feed her cold water from here on out. There'll be no more feeds as her soil seems plenty rich. Next grow I plant to use some wet perlite as a mulch, and compare that to topping with soil and sprinkled nutes. I think if she got more specialized organic feed she'd do better.

She's looking great: her oldest and richest spots are just caked with triches. It's encased some of the sugar leaves. She doesn't have TOO strong an aroma. It's there, but easily beaten with air freshener. All in all very promising, with dense dense branches.

So, I decided to take a sample from this girl today. That alone proved challenging: she's so dense I had to search hard for a popcorn nugget that didn't show promise of getting big that ALSO was easily snipped away. Very few stems were visible enough to see what I was doing AND exposed enough to easily trim away without hurting the plant and her final yield. Finally got one though:

This little bit was snipped and rapid dried (low power microwave method, where you lay it between two paper towls and microwave on low power for 10-20 seconds at a time to pull out the water without vaporize too much of the THC, if any). Of course, uncured rush dried weed is always inferior to the final output (mandatory disclaimer).

I'm 20 minutes into a tiny bowl, not even done with it yet, and going strong. It's a very great smoke, so what I was looking for. I'm VERY eager to get to the finished product. I don't want to rush her though, so patience is key.
very juicy buds! fantastic, love blue dream