Grow Room Moonijuana 3: Blue Dream Auto (Humboldt Seed Organization) Organic Grow

DAY 65

Welcome to the start of Week 10! Some good things to see and talk about. First thing's first though, let's see the girl:

Top view:

Side view:

Some Buds:


Remember that cola a couple pics back where I exposed her to light and the lower end was catching up? He's another shot of her with a darkening base, noticeably darker than the bright green from before:

She's starting to shed the odd fan leaf, but it's early yet. She's vibrantly green overall, and is losing leaves one by one without fading. She's easily got a week left in her yet. She won't make it to day 77 I don't think, but I honestly don't know for sure. This week I'll start chilling her rainwater and feed her cold water from here on out. There'll be no more feeds as her soil seems plenty rich. Next grow I plant to use some wet perlite as a mulch, and compare that to topping with soil and sprinkled nutes. I think if she got more specialized organic feed she'd do better.

She's looking great: her oldest and richest spots are just caked with triches. It's encased some of the sugar leaves. She doesn't have TOO strong an aroma. It's there, but easily beaten with air freshener. All in all very promising, with dense dense branches.

So, I decided to take a sample from this girl today. That alone proved challenging: she's so dense I had to search hard for a popcorn nugget that didn't show promise of getting big that ALSO was easily snipped away. Very few stems were visible enough to see what I was doing AND exposed enough to easily trim away without hurting the plant and her final yield. Finally got one though:

This little bit was snipped and rapid dried (low power microwave method, where you lay it between two paper towls and microwave on low power for 10-20 seconds at a time to pull out the water without vaporize too much of the THC, if any). Of course, uncured rush dried weed is always inferior to the final output (mandatory disclaimer).

I'm 20 minutes into a tiny bowl, not even done with it yet, and going strong. It's a very great smoke, so what I was looking for. I'm VERY eager to get to the finished product. I don't want to rush her though, so patience is key.
Damn brother she is amazing, such a treat to look at! If you just showed a bud close up I may have thought tang grew it.


High praise indeed!! Thank you so much for that!

High lasted a solid two hours, just off a poorly dried popcorn nug. Granted, as before every proper test, I was very sober so it hit me full force, but still...I'm impressed and excited!
I must admit after seeing this thread Blue Dream Auto has just made my short list for the next order, what is the stone like? I tend to like the couch lock stone of Indicas but that's certainly not a requirement. What do you figure the yield will be? Its kinda hard to judge with out something for scale but I'd say you have an oz there.
I've smoked photo Blue Dream before, and it's a very time-dilation, focused mental high (classic Sativa dominant). It's not energizing so much as just...REALLY able to focus on something (be it a task or train of thought). If your tolerance is low, the time-dilation is VERY noticeable. I recall the first time I tried it I hadn't smoked in two years, and I spent what seemed like two hours watching a TV show (only to glance at my clock and realize it was still the first 12 minutes).

I doubt it's just an ounce; my last two grows were airier and had smaller colas and were each an ounce. I'm hoping for over two ounces to prove it's more efficient to grow one plant at a time for me. I'm guessing at least 50g dried at this point, which would be shy of that goal. I wouldn't be surprised if I hit the 70g mark, but that would be about as high as I could imagine it going.
I've smoked photo Blue Dream before, and it's a very time-dilation, focused mental high (classic Sativa dominant). It's not energizing so much as just...REALLY able to focus on something (be it a task or train of thought). If your tolerance is low, the time-dilation is VERY noticeable. I recall the first time I tried it I hadn't smoked in two years, and I spent what seemed like two hours watching a TV show (only to glance at my clock and realize it was still the first 12 minutes).

I doubt it's just an ounce; my last two grows were airier and had smaller colas and were each an ounce. I'm hoping for over two ounces to prove it's more efficient to grow one plant at a time for me. I'm guessing at least 50g dried at this point, which would be shy of that goal. I wouldn't be surprised if I hit the 70g mark, but that would be about as high as I could imagine it going.

Simply marvelous old boy, I should have said at least an oz did not mean to disparage that beauty. 50g in a computer case, thats just damn impressive, well done! :worship:
If I can figure out how I do believe this is BOM NOM worthy!
No disparaging taken! Much, much thanks for the NOM and high praise!

It's really been exciting doing the micro grow route. Without the major square footage, I'm forced to really dial in my efforts and nail PRECISELY how to grow and train a plant for maximum yield. My goal is to squeeze more grams from every grow, little by little. If I don't hit 2oz off this grow, I'll try again next run. If I do, my next step is 3oz. I don't think it's possible to get a quarter pound out of my computer case, but if I someday hit 3oz that'll be the next goal regardless.
No disparaging taken! Much, much thanks for the NOM and high praise!

It's really been exciting doing the micro grow route. Without the major square footage, I'm forced to really dial in my efforts and nail PRECISELY how to grow and train a plant for maximum yield. My goal is to squeeze more grams from every grow, little by little. If I don't hit 2oz off this grow, I'll try again next run. If I do, my next step is 3oz. I don't think it's possible to get a quarter pound out of my computer case, but if I someday hit 3oz that'll be the next goal regardless.

You sir are very welcome it's a tough field this month but in all honesty it was looking at the other nominations that made me sure you belong in there. Best of luck I'll keep my nubs crossed for both a bumper crop and a BOM win!
You sir are very welcome it's a tough field this month but in all honesty it was looking at the other nominations that made me sure you belong in there. Best of luck I'll keep my nubs crossed for both a bumper crop and a BOM win!

Thanks so much! I could really use the win; had a minor home disaster clear out my seeds and my fungus liquid cultures (among other things, but that was part of the damage). It's a close one too! As of right now I'm just a couple votes shy of being on top!
If you're reading, head on over to the BOM thread (here: and cast your vote!

Anyway, this week was true madness. In addition to the aforementioned loss of hard-earned liquid cultures and seeds, I barely got the plant chopped and curing! She's a behemoth by my standards: a solid 248g wet. I pretty consistently lose 75% of the weight drying, so early estimate is 62g after drying, plus I'll be saving the big stems and such and making ISO hash. Sorry for the lack of pics, but once the bud dries a bit more I'll put up some nug porn before she hits the curing jars (and sample her for myself :) )
Sorry to hear about the mishap, I wish there was some way I could help. :karmacloud::karmacloud: Good luck in the BOM!!!