Looking good brother. Keep up the good work :thumbsup:
I'm seriously starting to love the progress the Auto Berry Bomb plant is making. Starting to show pre-flower sex characteristics and really getting into stretching up and out.

My little Auto Purple seed seemed to struggle a little after breaking the soil. Think I need to think about maybe going back to rockwoll cubes for now. Seems to be growing again now after stalling out for a few days so hope it'll get back on track.

The little hydro Auto White Berry plant is still plugging along. Starting to get some aggressive new root growth going, but kind of in the "too little too late" category for her to become anything really big. She is getting some frosting going on the buds. Going to keep her going until the leaves start letting me know that she's had enough and is ready for some harvest. May not be the biggest plant, but the last little one I had like this actually had some decent smoke come off it (albeit not too much of it), and I'm liking the scents coming off this one so hopeful that she'll be a "quality over quantity" kind of gal. :)

All and all, I've been considering a lot of different "what next" type questions lately. Out of all the things that I'd like to start saving pennies for, I just keep coming back to hydro or soil, auto's or photo's, my best most beneficial to the grows thing I could buy next would be a decent R/O filter. Granted mostly because I don't want to fully give up on hydro, DWC yet, but also because I figure it would most likely help with the soil grows as well (not to mention some arguable benefits to the humans drinking the tap water). Things to think about. Always something in the hobby that wants the $$$$$. LOL
ok...so the Berry Bomb plant is totally renewing my faith in growing. Not that I ever lost it, but it's nice to have back that "wow...look at that plant go" feeling that I haven't had for a while again. Finding myself more and more just sitting staring at the plant like one would watch a TV. Her vertical growth still is moving along, but starting to slow up a bit. Think she'll probably start transitioning into flower in the next week or maybe two, but still keeping her on veg nutes for now. I did switch to using filtered water starting this evening that's been run through the new homebuilt Berkey filter.


Meanwhile, the little Auto Purple seedling is starting to take off nicely. Had about 1/4 of a jug of the full strength veg nutes from Berry Bomb leftover this morning when I needed to mix up a new batch for the seedling, so I just went ahead and gave that to her bumping her up to full strength. Liking the results on the Berry Bomb with the Earth Juice two part Hi-Brix line, so running with those on the Purple as well. The little White Berry plant is still flowering along. Basically just waiting for her to start showing signs on the leaves that she's ready to finish. The hydroguard seemed to help and even battle back the brown snot a little, but it's trying to make a comeback. I may give hydro another stab with the new water filter I'm trying out. Pick up some new, not hydroton media and a couple new air stones then start a seed or two in the DWC setup to see if I get a slime free grow. May have to wait for next winter, though, as with spring/summer coming the higher res temps compound things. So I think for the warmer months ahead I'll likely stick with soil and reconsider DWC come fall.

Went back and counted the weeks, and looks like I'm at about 8 1/2 to 9 on the little White Berry plant. After taking a look with the 40x jewlers loop, I'm seeing enough trichs starting to get a little cloudy that combined with the age and the fact that she's just not doing much anymore I decided to go ahead and start flushing. Changed out the res again this morning and switch over to the AN Flawless Finish with filtered water from the new filter setup. She doesn't have a strong smell, but what there is have a nice aroma to it that leads me to believe it ought to smoke nice. Not expecting much potency wise, suspect it will be on par with the stunted growth.

Started using the transitional mix of nutes from veg to flower for the Berry Bomb plant yesterday evening. Upward growth has slowed and stopped over the last couple days, so I believe she is shifting gears. I'm a little concerned that it also coincides with switching to the filtered water, but from the looks of her and the time line I think it's the right time so rolling with that believe until there is evidence of other. Also kicked in the bloom lights on the overhead LED panel.

Since the hydo plant only has a couple weeks left, I'm going to start a couple more to keep the soil thing going. In the interest of trying a few things to find what works best for me, instead of the fabric pots I've ordered a couple of the 3 gallon air-pots for this time around. I'm really liking the fabric, so going to be tough for the plastic things to beat them. But figured in fairness I should give 'em a shot. After a bit of reading, I'm thinking of going with a mix of one part ocean forest, one part happy frog, and one part perillite for the medium. Two of the same seeds will be started in rockwool and assuming they both germinate I'm planning to run Advanced Nutrients in one and Earth Juice in the other to finally get in my little nute fight.
Movin' right along.....

Ok Berry Bomb....big enough, let's get some bloomin' going already. She's really trying to make sure my use of "monsters" in my thread title wasn't just wishful thinking.

Little auto purple doing it's thing:

And the little Whiteberry plant. Should have about another week or so on the flush before I'll go ahead and chop her.
Switched the nute mix for the Berry Bomb plant over to the flowering proportions this evening. She's going through about 1/2 gal of water/nutes a day and still growing up a little each day. Upward growth still slowing, but maybe starting her on a little more bloom and a little less of the grow nutes will help her to stop stretching and start fattening up. No hurry, mind you...just my gut instinct with the timing and how she's looking feeling like the time is right.

I wasn't originally going to do so, but after thinking about it tonight I also went ahead and swapped out one of my corner T5 bulbs on her side of the closet that was still a 6000K light and put in a 2700K bulb. Kind of like the nutes I'm thinking that even if she still has a little more growing time wise, she's big enough that a little less on the input side for growth shouldn't hurt any (or that's the hope/belief at least).

In other news....both the little Royal Queen Auto Northern Lights seeds sprouted and look to be doing their thing. Hope I'm not jinxing it, but looks like I might finally be able to get in the nute comparison grow I've been wanting to do. Going to mix up some soil for 'em tomorrow and start getting the pots ready. Going to partially depend on how much of the FFOF I've got left but I'm planing to use one scoop of FFOF with one scoop of Happy Frog and one scoop of perrilite for the soil.
Pulled the Whiteberry to chop and start drying this evening. Think it's just her time. Small plant, but some fatness to a few of the buds. Nice smelling, can't wait to see how she smokes after a few days of drying.

The two girls in the closet are still growing along nicely. Berry Bomb still a big ole beast, but starting to see some fattening on the buds. The Auto Purple plant was growing out at a funky angle, and as it grew it was just getting more and more off kilter so I stuck a little bamboo stick next to her and strapped her to it to straighten her out a bit.

Went ahead and got both the Auto Northern Lights seedlings into the soil in the pots this morning. Going to start one on Advanced Nutrients and one on Earth Juice nutes in a few days when they're ready to start watering and feeding.


One of the reasons I love Autos: Multiple plants in very different stages of life all happy in one space together under a single light schedule. :smoking: