Dutch Passion Mon grows the AOB Sisters Mrs. Orangina and Mrs. Orangella

Week 2 day 2
They're a bit slow in grow in feel, temps around 24 at day and 20 at night, RH at 55-60, hope they increase their grow this week,
Mrs. Orangina...

and her twin sister Mrs. Orangella...

Happy Growing all OB lovers!:cheers::smokeout:
I've not bad news, but really horrible facts! As i live with my family in a 4 room flat i builded up my groom myself with timber beam and gyproks, so it's massive. And this year in the state of my nation a new fire law was made, that every child and sleeping room has to have a fire warner fixed in until the last of this year. Normally the lazy son of my lessor/renter do such work at last date as possible, but this time he decided other and he will come next week on friday!!!
So i have 1 week to re-work my groom down close all fixation points, paint all and dispose all of it!! Included all 10 plants in my groom!!!!! And after that idk how to start up again a new groom yet, i'm shocked, but unfortunately i HAVE to do it, to not get in trouble with drug laws at my place i grow illegal! I'm so sorry guys, but there is no way out! If there is any possibility to restart i'll let you know...
I've not bad news, but really horrible facts! As i live with my family in a 4 room flat i builded up my groom myself with timber beam and gyproks, so it's massive. And this year in the state of my nation a new fire law was made, that every child and sleeping room has to have a fire warner fixed in until the last of this year. Normally the lazy son of my lessor/renter do such work at last date as possible, but this time he decided other and he will come next week on friday!!!
So i have 1 week to re-work my groom down close all fixation points, paint all and dispose all of it!! Included all 10 plants in my groom!!!!! And after that idk how to start up again a new groom yet, i'm shocked, but unfortunately i HAVE to do it, to not get in trouble with drug laws at my place i grow illegal! I'm so sorry guys, but there is no way out! If there is any possibility to restart i'll let you know...
im very sorry to hear about your problems man hope you can get it all worked out
heres some :vibes:going your way to help
Shit @TheMongol , really sorry to hear about that :shrug:. That's the burden of us illegal growers (especially in rented locations) :cuss:. But we learn to live with it, eh?

I know it's not much help, but I recommend you maybe buy yourself a grow tent. Very easy to set up and very easy to dismantle, not to mention that it is great for controlling environmental conditions :thumbsup:.