Outdoor Moby Dick XXL

It’s my first grow so I have not that much reference but it smells great already. I would say a bit fruity/lemon?

Curious how it will come through after drying/curing
Lemon is a common haze smell sounds very nice .
As for the heat they are experiencing Aloe Vera juice is supposed to be improve resistance to enviornmental stress in particular high temperatures , dilute a small portion of Aloe juice to water and see how they respond :D
Regarding the heat: when I read on the internet I see that ideally you should never exceed 30 degrees C.. with my 45-50, I’m well over that. The smallest plant is clearly suffering, leaves turning brown/dry already can’t be good for the grow. I think as long as this heat wave is going on, I’m just gonna move my plants to my balcony where they are out of the wind (at least most of the wind), downside is that they won’t get direct sunlight until early afternoon. I’m just gambling that they suffer more from the high temperature than they will of less direct sunlight?
50 is pretty high haha if it's only a few hours less i'd go with the balcony
You need these for bugs... I've got them all around my crops and I haven't had a problem with the little bastards since :biggrin:

Who carries those, by chance?

I got these off amazon, if you search for sticky bug trap or yellow bug trap etc loads of similar ones come up. These are handy as you can stick them around canes further up the plants too.