Outdoor Moby Dick XXL

Day 45:

I already had to cut away the very first leaves since they were completely dried out.

Now im seeing the same thing on slightly higher leaves too:



The soil was quite dry again. I give her water till runoff every day but by the day after she is completely dry again. Is this what the leaves show? Too dry soil?

Should I cut away these leaves?

Looks great man tasty buds , discoloration on the leaves look similiar to PH fluctuations on 1 or 2 pics ? Looks fine all the same :D
Day 62:

Just went to check on it again, did not have much time the passed few days. She is not looking too great. Like I said, it’s been extremely hot. Big problem is that there is also allot of wind, so putting them outside the greenhouse would be a bad idea..

Inside the greenhouse 45-50 degrees C, soil temperature around 40 degrees. Greenhouse doors and windows are fully open, so can’t get it cooler. Small fan is running the entire day aimed straight at it. Soil is always moist (I check it every 2 days, it has never been dry).

Big plant showing allot of yellow/dying fan leafs:




I also spotted 1 leaf which was folded and a worm was crawling around in there. Leaf was already eaten for a big part so I cut it off.

On the bright side, the buds and the leafs around them still look healthy:






I also started a new one which is now at day 30, bottom leafs are also completely dried out and cracking, however soil moisture is showing “wet” on the sensor (at least further down the soil). I also spotted very small black flies on the leafs. They just don’t move, you really have to pull them off or they don’t go:


Have you tried Companion planting Herbs to Deter Pests and Insects? It is good to let the soil start to dry in between waterings , good to see the bud is in good shape though :D
No I did not do anything to avoid the bugs yet. I did a 10min inspection on the big plant as well and put it at eye level. I pulled off about 5 of them little black flies too.. since the big plant has allot more cavities to hide in, I probably did not get them all.. considering the fact that the small 30day old plant had already 2 sitting on it..

Should I worry about these things? I’m getting closer to harvest with the 62day old plant so I hope it stays under control. The 30 day old plant has a longer way to go..
I am seeing great results from Companion planting Basil and Mint close by , they act as a Natural pesticide that wards off harmful insects and welcomes healthy ones. They also increase the quality of the soil and provide nutrients to your plant , Basil for example increases Oil and Resin production of your buds. And Oregano may increase Yields. Usually what happens is if the plant is stressed it gives off signals that attract insects like slugs etc. I would buy some potted Herbs and plant close by :D
It is best to plant beside your plants especially if you would like more Oil production and nutrients from the Basil etc. But just to deter pests like flies you can keep them in seperate pots close by